-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/">The Conspiracy</A>
Many embeds, very active site.
Religion a.Akida i.God has created the earth and all humans, animals in
pairs, symbiosis, no proof of evolution etc... I have written some of
the points from the links below since I suspect that many of you are to
lazy to follow up links or it is quite simply too much to read. Since it
is so important and since the West over floods every possible media with
lies about the evolution, dinosaurs etc. I hope you give yourself time
to read the below if you don't already know it. There is also a separate
fact sheet about creation. Ref 1 1.There is only one possible
combination of amino acids that gives life. One in The chance of 100
amino acids aligning in exactly the right order is one chance in one
followed by 158 zeroes or something similar. Edward Conklin, a
biologist, has said that: "The probability of life originating from
accident [or chance] is comparable to the probability of the unabridged
dictionary resulting from an explosion in a print shop." Ref 1
2.An animal that lies dead in the desert will after a very short while
loose all its skin and meat. After a while even the bones are gone. The
longer the animal lies in the elements, the less there is to fossilize.
Yet the so called scientists tell the world that it takes millions of
years for the required amount of dust, mud or debris to cover the animal
. Yet fossils have been found nearly intact, down to the skin and
wrinkles (fossilized worms, for instance). Ref 1
3.The first identifiable life is found as fossil evidence in the
Cambrian layer of rock, supposedly 500,000,000 (five hundred million)
years old. That are no known fossil evidences in the two layers
underneath. There have been billions of fossils found in this one layer
alone and all have been of a highly complex nature. No one has found any
fossil evidence of a development of life from a single cell, just as the
creationists theorized. Ref 1
4.The reason the rocks are old is because the fossils in them are old.
The reason the fossils are old is because the rocks they are contained
in are old. This is called circular reasoning. Ref 1
5. It is not at all unusual for strata, (layers of rocks), to be found
completely out of the approved order, with 'old' strata resting
comfortably on top of 'young' strata." Ref 1
6.Transition forms between birds, fish and land animals quite simply
impossible. The Fish on land would be suffocated within 1-2 minutes by
too much oxygen. The fish does not have any drinking reflex which is
necessary for land animals to dispose of waste products. The land
animals have mechanisms for keeping liquid equilibrium always at the
same level. The lungs function completely differently from gills. Sea
and land dwelling organisms are totally different from other organisms
on land regarding lenses of the eye, circulation and excretion system.
7.The Birds have a body temperature over at least 42 degrees and make
use of food and oxygen extremely efficient. The skeleton weighs less
than all the feathers. The lungs are highly efficient which is
absolutely necessary for flight. The head weighs less than 1% of the
body. Some have a magnetic compass built into their brains in order to
navigate thousands of kilometers. Halfway built wings cannot be used to
fly with. A birds beak can crush a nut with 68.5 kilos force. A human
heart strikes around 78 times in a minute. A fly birds 615 times in a
minute etc. etc. A transition form would quite simply not survive.
8.Read a whole book about Creation vs Evolution that is published free
on the Internet and learn also about how FreeMasons including Charles
Darwin has poisoned the minds of humanity all these years. Ref 1
9.It is now known that complex plants existed in the Cambrian Period,
which, on the evolutionary time scale, 200 million years or so before
even simple land plants are supposed to have evolved Ref 1
10.One of the most startling discrepancies in the fossil record came to
light when a tuatara lizard was found alive on some islands off of New
Zealand 135 million years after the animal was supposedly extinct. Ref 1

11.One scientist became troubled when he was checking fossil remains in
the Grand Canyon. He found a layer of rock containing a certain fossil.
Above that layer was a thick barren layer, indicating that the fossil
had become extinct. But the layer directly above the barren layer was a
layer containing the fossil evidences again. "The evolutionary theory
allows no backtracking, no renewal of a species, once it has become
extinct." Ref 1
12.More than half of the geologists in the world work directly for oil
companies, and the support for many geologists in academic [pursuits]
and [in] government comes from Petroleum. Ref 1
13.Evolutionists claim that mutations are the changes that account for
the changes in species, yet scientists know that about ninety-nine out
of one hundred mutations produce inferior creatures, such as the two
headed snake, that "wouldn't last in the wild." If this is true, then
the fossilized remains of these ninety-nine unsuccessful mutations
should be found among fossils, as well as the successful ones found so
abundantly. The fossil record reveals no fossil remains of known
mutations. Ref 1
14.A limestone layer, supposedly 120 million years old, contained a
rather startling discovery. The stone contained human footprints! Since
it is theorized that man appeared on Earth about 1 million years ago,
approximately 119 million years of time had disappeared, at least if the
rock was supposedly 120 million years old. But there was even something
more startling in the stone. The human footprints were side by side
dinosaur footprints! The theory is that the dinosaur died out about 60
million years ago. That means, according to the evolutionary theory,
that it is impossible for man and the dinosaur to have been on the Earth
at the same time. Ref 1
15.The bee and the flower both had to appear at precisely the same time
 or the earlier would not be able to survive. Ref 1
16.The hunted animal and its predator, the hunter, had to "evolve" at
precisely the same time, or either the world would be over- populated by
the hunted animal, if it "evolved" first, or with large quantities of
fossils of the hunter if it "evolved" before its food supply "evolved."
Ref 1
17.All of the real evidence indicates that man was true man right from
the start. No Neanderthal, No missing links etc.
18.One scientist: "Since the Earth's magnetic field is decaying,
extrapolation back into the past more than 10,000 years predicts a
current flow so vast that the earth's structure could not survive the
heat produced. Thus the Earth cannot be much older than 10,000 years."
Ref 1
19.Oil Seepage: It is estimated that the amount of oil that seeps into
the oceans is 5 million tons per year. It is also estimated that the
total amount of offshore oil is 100 billion tons, which means that the
total amount of oil would have been lost to the oceans 2500 times, if
oil is estimated to be 50 million years old, or that it would only take
about 20,000 years to deplete the entire quantity of offshore oil.
20.Helium Decay: As plant and animal life dies and then decays, a
certain amount of helium is released into the atmosphere. Estimating by
the rate of addition of helium to the atmosphere from radioactive decay,
the age of the Earth appears to be about, 10,000 years old, even
allowing for moderate helium escape to the space above the atmosphere.
Ref 1
21.An initial population of only two people, increasing at 2% a year,
would become 3.5 billion in only 1,075 years... An average population
growth of only 1/2 of one percent would generate the present world
population in only 4,000 - 4,500 years. Ref 1
22.Decay of the Sun: In 1980, two scientists discovered the sun has been
contracting 0.1 % per century . . . . " They believed that this
shrinkage was continuous and has occurred at the same rate as in the
past. If this is correct, only 100,000 years ago the sun would be twice
as big as it is today; 20 million years ago, the surface of the sun
would touch the Earth and the Earth would have been a cinder Ref 1
23.Symbiosis: Nile crocodile allows a small bird, called the Egyptian
Plover, to enter its mouth to clean its teeth of harmful bacteria. If
the plover does not remove these intruders, the crocodile can be
seriously harmed. The parasites are the Plover bird's sole source of
nutrition. Frequently the plant and kingdoms join in a symbiotic
relationship, mutually beneficial to both parties. Such is the case of
the yucca moth and the yucca plant. The moth collects a ball of pollen,
stuffs it into a seed chamber of the yucca plant, and then lays a few
eggs inside the seed. Since the larvae that hatch can feed only on
developing yucca seeds, their growth is provided for and since some
seeds are left and this yucca cannot otherwise pollinate itself, the
plant also benefits. Neither the plant nor the animal would have been
able to survive if both didn't occur at precisely the same time. Ref 1
24.Male and female genes work in tandem. Not enough that only that one
person, animal or plant mutates.
25.Both sexes are absolutely essential to the continued Propagation of
the animal species, and it is absolutely imperative that both evolved at
precisely the same time. God has created the earth. God has created
humans and all animals in pairs. Ref 1
26.Piltdown and Nebraska men were frauds. The Piltdown in 1912 man had
an orangutan jaw fitted to a human skull. The Nebraska man was a tooth
belonging to an extinct pig. Australopitechus were apes.
27.Aborigines in Tanzania were killed and the skulls sold to museums
after chemical reactions would make them look old.
28.Evolutionists draw impossible conclusions from single pieces of
bones, sometimes from a single tooth.. Like the amount of hair, shape of
the nose, ears and lips. Evolutionists are emphasizing these
characteristics when they can draw a whole family deducted from one
single piece of a bone.
29.Extremely Unreliable methods of measuring age of fossils.
30.Socialism want us to believe in evolution. Karl Marx dedicated his
book "Das Kapital" to the Freemason Charles Darwin.
31.Theodore Roosevelt, president of USA, violated all agreements with
red Indians during his period and the so called legitimate basis was
provided by the "primitive species" fallacy of Darwin. Congress pushed
aside all agreements made with red Indians 1871 and decided to drive
them away to the dead lands where they should wait for death. Similar
theories existed about the black race and in Fascism, (Nietsche, Hitler,
Mussolini). Compare the Quran Al-Hujraat 49:13
32.Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institution have given very large
sums of financial support for evolution.
33.News, books, magazines continue through Freemasons and through people
with lack of knowledge to spread this disinformation.
34.A writer H.L. Mencken, an observer at the famous Scopes evolution
trial that tested the right of the state to limit school curriculums,
said this: There is, it appears, a conspiracy of scientists afoot. Their
purpose is to break down religion, propagate immorality, and so reduce
mankind to the level of the brutes. Ref 1
 ii.Almost atheistic model countries are made to look very successful (
Sweden, Singapore).
iii.Materialism instead of spiritualism Ref 1
iv.The belief that man is not in need of God Ref 1 2
v.Nationalism b.The creation is also stated in the Quran which we must
believe in, (all of it and not just parts), as Muslims. i.Many other
scientific proofs that the Quran is true c.Signs of the End of Time.
 Almost all the small signs recorded over 1,300 years ago have already
happened. We are now waiting for the first of the big signs, (The
appearance of the Beast and the Sun rising from the West), to happen. By
then it is too late to become a Muslim practicing good deeds if we had
not before.
d.Materialism i.Materialism is the opposite of spiritualism Ref 1
ii.See Akida above e.Atheism i.Belief in man as self-sufficient Ref 1
ii.See Akida above f.Mithraism i.More similarities between modern
Christianity and Mithraism than differences. Many new documents have
been revealed about Mithraism only the last few decades. (However we
don't need to accept everything that is in the links about Mithraism and
especially Jews below). I.Mithra was a Godlike Son of God i.Compare
Quran 112:3 II.Son of a virgin
III.Remained a celibate throughout his life
IV.that died on the Cross. The cross in Mithraism symbolizes the sword.
 Mithraism was already spread and established in the Roman empire with
the Roman soldiers before the appearance of the prophet Jesus (Peace be
upon him).
V.worshipped on Sunday, (The day of the Sun God),
VI.The using of bells on Sundays
VII.died to clean the sins of his followers,
VIII.born on the 25th of December. Christmas and Easter.
XI.The bread and the wine symbolizing the body and the blood of the God
 in the rituals.
XII.Last supper with his companions
XIII.The Mithraic caps, garment and a ring used by the priests. ii.The
early Christians opposing Mithraism
iii.The connection with astrology. The slaying of the Bull on pictures
in mithraic temples could symbolizes Mithras supposed power to move the
Universe. The sun runs through different constellations in the Zodiac
and changes its track around every 2,160 years. Around 2,000 B.C. the
sun was gliding out away out from one "track" in the Zodiac consisting
of Taurus the Bull, Canis Minor the Dog, Hydra the snake, Corvus the
Raven and Scorpio the Raven, to another track, the age of the Aries.
Worshippers believed the earth was the center of the Universe and that
the constellations were Gods. They thought Mithra had the power to move
Gods or something like that. The Sun changes its apparent track from one
series of constellations to another around every 2,160 years and goes
through one whole constellation every 25,920 years. After the age of
Aries came our present track going through the Pisces at the Spring
solstice. The "age of Aquarius" is supposed to come in a few hundred
years, (If the world and universe as we know it today exists that long).
This explains much of the icons and pictures found in Mithraic under
ground temples. The rites were secret and nothing much has been written
about it.
iv.The so called "Saint" Paul mixed the two religions, the clean
Christianity with Mithraism to spread his new religion faster since
Mithraism was already spread and accepted.
v.The present Vatican is built right on top of an underground Mithra
vi.Most Christians are most probably not aware of this. g.Dead Sea
Scrolls Ref 1 i.Not translated since 50 years by the exclusively
Catholic researchers. Bigger collection of rolls than that has been
translated in a few years time.
ii.St. Paul inventing a new religion based on Mithraism h.Sects i.Sheea
Ref 1 2 3 I.Big difference between knowledgeable Sheea and ordinary
people. For knowledgeable Sheea it is among other things important with
deception. A muslim can steal, rob, commit adultery and still be a
muslim but he shall not lie according to hadith. The knowledgeable Sheea
have double sets of Qurans and collections of Hadith. The knowledgeable
Sheeas own Quran does not have one word in common with the real Quran.
Ref 1 ii.Qirmitians, Nusayrites, Druzes Ref 1
iii.Khaarijites, Baatineeyah, Ismailites Ref 1
iv.Naqhsbandi. Giving half your salary to the Sheikh, kiss his feet and
you don't need to pray, just a recite a thikr and The Sheikh will answer
the questions to the angels when they come to your grave when they ask
you: "Who is your Lord and who is Muhammad?" Of course this is a lie.
(Prayer is one of the five pillars and cannot be abandoned for as long
as we live. It is a way of cleaning us of our sins and make us into
persons with a better character. If we abandon our prayer we loose the
reward for all our good deeds up until we stopped praying and we are not
to be buried in a Muslims grave if we die. But we can of course repent
and regret and perhaps God will forgive us, especially if we don't
repeat it).
v.And many more cults i.New Age Ref 1
j.The importance of the New Millennium. i.The New Millennium might be
celebrated with some spectacular show in Egypt at the Pyramids.
Hollywood tricks involved? Just a thought and not a nice one. Compare
the reverse side of US 1 dollar bills after 1933. The capstone is to
ascend when the earth is enough materialistic, in other words, enough
secular. May Allah protect us.
ii.The Big Bang at the Millennium? Perhaps the fear of Y2K, that
computer calendars and software will malfunction at the new millennium
with breakdown of power stations, elevators, public service etc. in the
middle of winter, could possibly be used as a cover. If they really are
afraid of malfunctioning computers at big power stations etc. it is
probably easy to adjust all calendars in critical system computers to
minus 10 years = 1990 to gain time so that the problems can be solved.
May Allah protect us.
iii.Grand rehersal? 1 of May 1999 or is it to be in June?
iv.They have already postponed the Big Bang a few times. 1984 was
supposed to be the original year.  Ref 1 k.Gaia i.Modern religion for
environmentalists where Doomsday looks inevitable and something new is
created out of the ashes. (Compare Satan and Phoenix). l.Black Magic
m.Communism, Anarchy and Socialism Ref 1 i.Communism, Talmud and Anarchy
have the same goals Ref 1 I.Abolition of Monarchy and all ordered
Government Ref 1 2
II.Abolition of patriotism Ref 1 2 3
III.Abolition of family including marriage and morality Ref 1 2
IV.Abolition of inheritance Ref 1 2
V.Abolition of private property Ref 1 2
VI.Make education inefficient Ref 1 2 3 4 5
VII.Destroy belief in one God. There is no God but Man they claim. Ref 1
 2 3 4 5 6
VIII.Destroy all belief in authorities Ref 1 2 3
IX.Man is projected as self sufficient and the crown of evolution Ref 1
X.Man can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Man has the right to
live by his own law Ref 1 2
XI.Destroy agriculture. (compare Quran 2:204-205) Ref 1
XII.Materialism Ref 1 2 3
XIII.Man has the right to kill those who would thwart his rights Ref 1
XIV.Destroy environment etc. (But they also live here on Earth?, does
not matter, they act upon orders from their so called God). They have
been misled by Satan and don't realize, except a few. Others are
secularists. Many of them are not Jews.

Symbols a.General symbols i.American star in the in the Army-crest is
nothing but the Communist-star is nothing but a Satan-star. It has been
there all these years without people understanding, except a few.
ii.The Phoenix, old symbol of Satan Ref 1
iii.The Double Eagle from Egyptian Paganism Ref 1 2
iv.Hexagram, so called, Seal of Solomon, powerful occult symbol they
believe Ref 1
v.The Tricolor, The France Flag, has three colors, red blue and white.
This is freemason colors. How many flags in the world has this color
combination today, indicating that at least Freemasons have been
influencing the choice of Flags. b.FreeMason Symbols i.The Statue of
Liberty from the Order of the Quest Ref 1
ii.The snake(s) in the medical symbol is nothing else than Satan
iii.A thousand Points of Lights Ref 1
iv.The American 1 dollar bill Ref 1
v.Masonic Apron for George Washington made by the wife of General
Lafayette Ref 1 c.Company Logos i.Mobil with the round red O symbolizing
ring of fire, a snake that bites its own tail. The Snake symbolizes
Satan. Ref 1
ii.Lucid Technologies, Lucifer ID etc.?
iii.Lucent Technologies could mean Lucifer Enterprises. Lucifer is
another name for Satan. Ref 1

Water. (Drinking water)
For some of the items below in the list go to the fact sheets and find
out about the symptoms, where it can be found and suggestions of what to
do. a.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to give enough
resistance physically and mentally Ref 1 2
b.Reduce population. Too many to control (and other reasons as well that
you will perhaps find out if you read...) Ref 1
c.Earn money on medical and dental care.
d.Fluoride with over 90 symptoms Ref 1
e.Chlorine, CHD is only one of the symptoms. Not only when drinking but
also when taking a shower Ref 1
f.Aluminum. Around 10 symptoms
g.Healthy Life. A Survival Diet Ref 1 2
h.MTBE. Is a kind of petrol that hopefully is very very rare. It seeps
into our drinking water at some places, Colorado etc.
i.Lead. Over 20 symptoms
j.Cadmium. Over 40 symptoms
k.Remember there are methods to clean the water that you can read about
if you read the fact sheets about Chlorine and Fluoride
l.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicines
and in the environment Ref 1

Weapons a.Gun control
b.40% of all US homes have guns (and children)
c.Politicians want right of self defense with guns to terminate since it
could mean hard resistance against UN take over. Therefore all stories
with crazy people going amok with shooting into crowds etc. get first
hand coverage in News media

Literature a.A list of common literature about the conspiracy.
b.To begin with read The Unseen Hand. Ref 1 An Introduction to the
Conspirational View of History, by A. Ralph Epperson, Publius Press,
Suite C, 3100 So. Philamena Place, Tucson, Arizona 85730, USA. Library
of Congress Catalogue Card Number 84-06227. The last part of the book
has a list of common literature, but the book itself is perhaps the best
start to know the basics. There are some errors in most books so don't
believe everything and don't rush to make contact with any organization
mentioned in the book without reading more books first. Read especially
Murder by Injection.
c.Murder by Injection Book by Eustace Mullins, 1988, third printing
1995. Ref 1



This work seems to be endless and I will never get ready I guess. But I
add bits and pieces now and then when I have time. In the meanwhile you
should start to study about it. Before you are in the middle of it...
Well all of us already are more or less. What I mean is that you should
learn more before it becomes too severe in your area.
Learn before it is too late to learn. If you don't believe in it now,
you will never believe in it unless you read enough about it. You will
think that you know most of what there is to know after studying for a
while, but it might take you months, perhaps even years before you start
to really piece things together. It almost always seems too fantastic to
be true.. E.g. probably very few can understand why the Conspiracy
involves treason against their own players.

The underlined parts contain links to other web pages or references to
literature. An underlined part = link normally changes color after that
it has been visited by the reader of the web page. The same link can
appear on many places on this web page. Sometimes a link can be
temporary, to be replaced later on with hopefully more quality

If you don't believe in some of the things, follow up the links and give
yourself time to study the contents. Don't just rush through it.

Not everything is Conspiracy, but pretty much is. The House is on fire
and as muslims we must wake up and act with quality knowledge as a firm
base and not just act on emotions. If we rush to do things mainly
because of Anger we might end up in hell because of having the wrong
Akida or because of using the wrong methods.

Some of the links leads to extracts from articles and books that I don't
have any copyright to. These links are just temporary until I have
rewritten in shorter form what those pages say or until I get permission
from the author(s). I have made the decision to include such parts of
books, articles in the meanwhile since the message about the conspiracy
is very important and should be spread as soon as possible to as many as
possible. The books in question are normally not available in normal
book shops.

I cannot guarantee that everything is true since it builds on
information from many books and many web pages that are impossible to
verify completely. I have tried to rinse out information that is
probably wrong. I cannot go up to an authority and ask if they are
liars. Even the persons working in such organizations seldom know what
is going on. The Conspiracy builds on secrecy, on a need to know basis
on each level. Most people in these organizations are comparatively
innocent, from what I can understand. Even soldiers in wars don't know
what is going on most of the time, from what I can understand. It is up
to everyone to make up his own mind about what is true and not. Perhaps
based on information from this web page, perhaps not.

Much of the information is written by non-muslims. Of course we cannot
accept all religious parts of such information. As a muslim it is always
best to go back to Quran and Sunnah first to check. It makes much better
sense to read what is in the Quran and in the Hadith, Islamic books etc.
after learning about the Conspiracy. The most terrible with the
Conspiracy is the attack on the Akida. If we don't watch out we might
end up in hell just because our Akida is not good enough. A muslim
understands how important the Akida is.

One might think that the Conspiracy is based on pure greed only. Yes for
many or perhaps the majority of the people involved it is. But there are
two more steps and the most important one is Akida. The other one you
will have to discover yourself. Reading about the Conspiracy can help
with making your faith more firm.

I stumbled upon the Conspiracy after a longer times disease. It took one
year before I discovered what was happening right in front of my eyes
all the time, especially in the medical field. After around 40 books and
many web pages later later I still don't know more than just bits and
pieces. Since I discovered it in connection with my disease very much is
about the Medical, Dentist, Water, Toys and Food-branches of the
Conspiracy. There are plenty of other branches.

If you don't read about it you will never believe in it. And they know
that very few have time, capacity and energy to read. One has to make a
real effort to believe in it. It can be hard work before one believes in
some parts like vaccinations. it seems too evil and to unlikely to be

One cannot be in a hurry reading about the Conspiracy. It will take at
least a couple of months to grasp the most important.

To begin with it can be of great help to read The Unseen Hand, An
Introduction to the Conspirational View of History, by A. Ralph
Epperson, Publius Press, Suite C, 3100 So. Philamena Place, Tucson,
Arizona 85730, USA. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 84-06227.
The last part of the book has a list of common literature, but the book
itself is perhaps the best start to know the basics. There are some
errors in most books so don't believe everything and don't rush to make
contact with any organization mentioned in the book without reading more
books first. Read especially Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins,
1988, third printing 1995 or later. For those of you who don't want to
read History make an exception and read the first book and Pawns in the
Game by William Guy Carr, 1958. Afterwards you can throw away those
history books you read in school and most probably many other books
about economy etc. If you cannot get hold of the books try to get them
in smaller bookshops.

Once you start to believe in the Conspiracy you must understand that
much information true, false and distorted about the Conspiracy is
spread on purpose by professional liars. It serves the purpose of
confusion, fear and registration of honest people who want to know more.
It can also serve the purpose of making Muslims whopping mad (angry) at
Zionists etc. in order to start riots and other kinds of chaos, even

Hadith tell us that we must be cautious against the many liars that will
appear near the end of time. Concentrate on what is important for your
religion, your own security, your family and those around you. Try to
spread information about how people shall protect themselves to as many
as possible. Also to non-muslims. As Muslims we must try to help also
non-muslims as long as they are not clearly Enemies of Islam.

Concentrate on what you can do something about, like stopping to use
Fluoride toothpaste, eat more seeds, install a water filter, don't have
all your assets in paper money etc. and don't waste time on trying to
find out details about things of less importance e.g. which of the
theories behind the murder of Kennedy that might be true. There are
plenty of theories and it probably serves no purpose to find the right
version. Perhaps he was one of the presidents who suddenly found out
that USA was secretly supporting communists all around the world like in
Cuba, Korea and Vietnam. Perhaps he did know from the beginning but
wanted to go against the Unseen Hand in some important detail.

Try to go back to read the Quran and Sunnah as much as possible even
during the time when you study about the Conspiracy. The real valuable
knowledge is foremost in the Quran and Sunnah. This is the necessary
knowledge. We live for the hereafter first and foremost and our life in
this world is a preparation for the eternal hereafter.

Be very cautious about blaming absolutely everything that happens on the
Jews in general. Muslims are not racists. As muslims we must help all
people of all races and religions, be they Jews, Christians, Pagans,
Atheists or whatever. We are not to hate such people. We are only to
hate their religion or lack of religion. Only those who are enemies of
Islam are our enemies. Many Jews, Christians, Pagans and Atheists are
attracted to Islam and even become Muslims. Give the individuals a
chance. Most of them don't know what their leaders are up to and perhaps
even more don't know what is the content of their own Religion. Give the
individuals a chance to discover that Islam is peace and not terrorism.
That Islam is belief in one God only and that God is good and full of
mercy and gives us a choice to chose good or bad in our lives. That we
will be rewarded or punished because of our deeds. If we do much bad we
will be punished severely. If we do good and follow the 5 pillars of
Islam we will be rewarded immensely. That there is no exception, no
chosen people, no inherited sin, no shortcut with certain secret
"thikrs" to paradise. Everyone is purely judged on Doomsday after his or
her own deeds. These deeds must be made solely for the sake of Allah.

If you are convinced that certain Jews are responsible for the
Conspiracy try to find out how those particular Jews are thinking. Read
more about the Talmud and the Torah and don't stop at reading translated
versions. You must at least read commentaries made by knowledgeable, (as
far as I understand), experts like Professor Israel Shahak. Try to get
hold of the whole book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of
Three Thousand Years. You must realize that many jews have become more
secular and the whole truth is not to find only in the Talmud. Also many
non-jews are involved up to their necks in the Conspiracy.

The Quran is the only proven 100% undistorted book from Allah in
existence, (compare Quran 15:9). Second in reliability comes the
collection of Hadith by Bukhari, third the collection of Hadith by
Muslim and fourth the collection of Hadith by Abu Dawud. Other books are
all distorted more or less, sometimes on purpose. There are 5,000
versions of the Gospels, not two of them the same in all details. The
Torah has been destroyed and reconstructed and distorted a few times.
The Talmud was never and has never been claimed to be the words of God.

Don't rush to do things just because you are angry. It might be exactly
what your enemy wants. Check what Albert Pike wrote about the Third
World War in 1871. Remember that they want riots, terror and war. They
are also sure to get it according to hadith, but Muslims must act only
according to the Rules given by Allah and only for Allah and for no
other reason what so ever. Try to get quality knowledge about Islam and
learn more about your enemy before you rush to act. A muslim lives for
the hereafter, not for this world. If we live for the hereafter and do
actions permitted by Allah and for Allah alone it goes well for us also
in this world.

If we decide to fight we might need to do the following, (but I am not a
1.First we must begin with improving our own Emaan. A non-Muslim will
not be impressed by anybody who is not sincere in Islam
2.Second we must improve our own prayers.
3.Third offer the Enemy to convert to Islam, but only an Islam that is
built strictly according to Quran and Sunnah in it's undistorted form.
4.Fourth if the enemy does not accept islam give them the alternative of
paying Jizya as a "protection tax" meaning the non-Muslims are allowed
to practice their own religion and that they will be protected by all
5.Last if they don't accept that, war will be necessary, but only with
permitted methods. Not just fight to gain land or take back land or for
nationalistic purposes etc. The war is only to remove the authority that
does not permit people to discover the truth about Islam and therefore
embrace Islam out of their own conviction. The war is never to force
anybody into Islam against their own will. Only fight because of wanting
to spread Islam. Only fight because of Allah and no other reason what so
ever. Allah will not send any Angles to help if the war is for the wrong
reasons. The dead might not be martyrs etc. unless their intention is
for Allah only, etc. But I am not a scholar. Check with a knowledgeable
Muslim scholar, please. If some enemies convert to Islam, they will
automatically be considered completely equal brothers in Islam no matter
what they did or what they were before they converted.
But it is too late to convert to Islam after the Sun has gone up from
the West...

Perhaps the best way to fight is to improve and intensify the Islamic
education and dawah. We must invest more in our youth and give them an
education based 100% on the real undistorted Islam. Even other
age-groups in our society needs to know more about the real undistorted
Islam. To make Muslims understand and love their religion. At the same
time dawah must be given to non-Muslims to show and prove that Islam
does not stand for terrorism and being backward etc. but is the perfect
way of life for everyone on this earth in all ages. That our creator
does not approve of any other religion. Since he created us he also
knows what is the best for us.

Allah knows best, eternally.


If your browser is not Netscape Navigator , you can get more information
and download the latest version of Netscape from this link. However
after reading about Netscape above perhaps you want to try the Norwegian
browser Opera instead.


I would be grateful for any response, positive or negative, to: ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
If you ask about anything it is not sure that I can answer right away.
But I will try if I think your question is honest.

Best Regards / Adam Testad

Want to know more about Islam?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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