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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Date:   Tuesday, April 20, 1999 05:59:59 AM

To the editor:

Another look at Sweeney's web page, titled "My answer to the bizarre
'Flatland' claims about the Judi Bari bombing. Alien abductions,
pseudo-science and an old political feud." (

Sweeney begins with a predictably snide comment about the alleged
credibility of Flatland. "Leading the campaign is an obscure one-man
magazine, Flatland, which says it specializes in books on 'alien abductions,
UFOs, fringe science and conspiracy theories.' I've never been abducted by
aliens myself, but now I know what it must feel like," Sweeney writes.

Sweeney quotes me here, but falsely.  The only book about alien abduction in
Flatland's list is  _Abduction_ by Harvard Professor John Mack, founder of
Cambridge Hospital's Psychiatric Unit. He's a man of subtantial real-life
achievement who tackled an unusual, difficult subject, so it's a natural
choice for a Flatland listing.

Having dispensed with Mendocino "craziness," Sweeney has bigger fish to fry.
He doesn't refute any of the evidence presented by Ed Gerhman. He spends the
bulk of his complaint attacking the credibility of an expert witness in a
trial that hasn't happened yet: Don Foster, the country's leading
attributional scholar.

So Sweeney dredges up old quarrels by Shakespearian scholars with a bone to
pick with Foster. In that effort, Sweeney cites Stephanie Caruana ("Funeral
Elegy Update" at as an authoritative
reference on Shakespeare.

Caruana is a former editor of _Playgirl_ magazine, but she's best known
as the author of "The Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File," a veritable
touchstone of JFK conspiracy literature. Variants of the Gemstone Files were
circulated hand-to-hand throughout the late seventies, eventually being
published in Larry Flynt's _Hustler_ magazine.

The "Gemstone File" is Caruana's synopsis of 1,000 pages of allegatations by
a San Franciscan, Bruce Roberts, who claimed to have invented the synthetic
rubies that gave birth to laser technology. (Thus, the monikker,
"Gemstone.") Roberts, via Caruana, claimed that his invention was stolen by
Hughes Aircraft. Then Aristotle Onassis kidnapped Howard Hughes, replaced
him with a "double" and spirited Hughes to a Greek island. Later, Onassis
ordered the hit on JFK. I'm simplifying here, but you get the idea: the
Caruana/Roberts material is controversial.

I don't dismiss Stephanie Caruana's article about Foster on the basis that
she is a conspiracy researcher, but it is hypocritical of Sweeney to cite
Caruana as an authority, while ridiculing Flatland for selling books like
hers. Sweeney has cited Stephanie Caruana, one of the world's more famous
conspiracy-theorists, as a major source on Shakespeare.

I've never been abducted by Aristotle Onassis and taken to a Greek island,
nor do I know "what it must feel like."

No less than five books are in print on the Gemstone Files. The newest one
will be Kenn Thomas' forthcoming book from Adventures Unlimited Press.
Caruana and the late, grand dame of conspiracy research, Mae Brussell,
co-authored an article called "Is Howard Hughes Dead and Buried Off a Greek
Island?" in Playgirl (December, 1974), and also "Is 'Cinque' the First Black
Lee Harvey Oswald?" (Berkeley Barb, 1974).

Of course this has nothing to do with identifying Judi's bomber. Learning
Sweeney's actual whereabouts on May 23, 1990, could help.

-Jim Martin

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