-Caveat Lector-

URL - http://www.rumormillnews.com/current/kosovo.html

 The Truth Behind the Headlines
 What Is This Current Crisis Really About?

 03.26.99 RM News Readers who have been following RMNews know that
 there area two things we have been predicting, the return of the
 Iron Curtain and the Second American Revolution. Our predictions of
 these coming world events are based on conversations with men who
 have been, and are privy to the great halls of power on a world wide
 basis. In 1996, one of our best Sources told us that Continental
 Europe (this means the UK is not included) was primarily responsible
 for the "seeming" collapse of the Soviet Union and the freeing of
 the European nations who were enslaved by the Soviets after World
 War Two. According to the Source, this was done to free "some" of
 the European nations that were given to the Soviets by the Allies at
 the end of World War Two.

 This source told us that the collapse of the Soviet Union was only
 an "illusion" and it would be a temporary one.  Evidently the deal
 that was made would see that the USSR stayed in ruins long enough
 for the European nations of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Slovenia,
 Herzegovina and Montenegro to become free from the Soviet yoke and
 become part of Europe once again.

 The source who gave us this information did not mention Poland,
 Serbia, Romania or Bulgaria or any of the other countries that
 suffered under the Soviets. RMNews does not know if these countries
 were intended to remain part of the newly created European Union, or
 if they would fall once more under the Russian boot once the Iron
 Curtain goes back up.

 Our source told us that the small ethic and tribal wars that are
 raging around the world troubled him. He said that in today's world,
 it is much too easy for a rogue nation or a rogue faction to create
 or buy nuclear and/or biological weapons. And unfortunately, there
 are too many of "rogues" to keep track of. He said the only way to
 bring these rogue nations and factions back under control was to
 bring back the Iron Curtain and the Cold War.

 He maintained that "peace" was far easier to keep when the United
 States and the Soviets had their nuclear missiles pointed at each
 other. He laughed when he said this, as if he knew the cold war was
 really a sham which  owed the world to be divided between two

 Just think how easy it was for Washington to raise our taxes and
 increase our military when the Soviets had nuclear weapons pointed
 at us. If there was no nuclear threat, would the American people
 hand over their money to the IRS and allow the United States to
 spend billions on developing a Star Wars system? The International
 bankers who are behind the New World Order created the best enemy
 money could buy when they created the Soviet Union.  The Two
 Factions RMNews has written many times about the two factions that
 vie for control of the world, but for the  sake of those who have
 not read our back issues, a brief explanation is in order.
 Faction One is called the New World Order. It is made up of the
 International Bankers who control the English throne, financed the
 Russian Revolution, created the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, the
 International Monetary Fund, he World Bank, the United Nations, and
 the modern day environmental movement through which humans become
 "an alien specie" and become targeted for "population control," i.e.

 Faction Two was originally made up from a group of Continental
 Europeans who believe that the International Bankers of the New
 World Order destroyed their idyllic way of life, burned their Empire
 and plundered their fortunes.

 Many members of Faction Two are descended from the thrones that were
 part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  These people have knowingly
 done battle with the New World Order since 1776. This was the year
 the  Illuminati threat to the thrones of Europe was exposed by the
 King of Bavaria. Once exposed, the Illuminati agents were thrown out
 of the royal courts.

 After World War Two, many of these men were forced into hiding. Some
 of them came to the United States and were put to work for various
 intelligence agencies. At the moment, the leaders of Faction Two
 hide within Navy Intelligence. The members of Faction Two are
 everywhere, even in the White House and the Council of Foreign

 The Illuminati is the driving force behind the men who keep alive
 the dream of a One World Government which is based on their version
 of Utopia. Their Utopia would be an Idyllic Paradise where all
 rights flowed to mankind from their government, and the only purpose
 for mankind was to serve the government. The Illuminati spirit now
 runs the International Banks and forms the basic belief system of
 the New World Order.

 Faction Two claims to believe in an ancient Knights Templar Charter
 which states: Each living being possesses basic divine rights. The
 most basic right is the right of self-determination. Each and every
 being upon Earth is divinely  given the right to control his own

 Other inalienable ("in-a-lien-able", meaning incapable of having a
 "lien" placed on them)... Other inalienable divinely granted rights
 included food, shelter, clothing, and fair compensation for work
 well done."

 Faction Two appears to believe that all humans are granted divine
 rights, given to them by God, simply by being born upon the Earth.
 One of my sources, who claims to be a Knights Templar, became very
 angry when I asked him how the Masons fitted into the Templar
 picture.  He angrily shouted, "Masons have nothing to do with
 Templars. The Masons stole everything we had and perverted it. Don't
 compare us with the Masons! It's like comparing Jesus to Lucifer."
 Returning to the Two Factions who are vying for world control, the
 main difference in their belief systems lies in the question of

 Faction One believes that all rights flow from the government and
 the government has total control of all its citizens.
 Faction Two believes that all rights flow from God, and governments
 are created to serve the people, not the other way around.
 Faction One believes in slavery. Faction Two believes in freedom and
 self determination.

 Faction One, also known as the New World Order, created the Soviet
 Union. By splitting the world into two major powers, many different
 things could be accomplished.  There are too many things to be
 mentioned in this article, but the most important items would be
 Research and Development.

 Research covers everything from mind control to weapons.  Research
 that would be frowned on in the United States was conducted in the
 Gulags of the Soviet Union, far from the prying eyes of reporters.
 Development covers all the  items that are needed to insure that one
 side doesn't conquer the other, in other words, the necessities of
 war.  Sometimes these necessities of war were redesigned to become
 part of our homes, such as microwave ovens and the Internet. With
 these creations, even more money flowed into the pockets of the
 International Elite.

 The Fall of the Iron Curtain According to Faction One, the Fall of
 the Iron Curtain, happened because their hand placed puppet, Mikhail
 Gorbachev, destroyed the USSR on cue. The New World Order have
 planned to merge the Soviet Union and the United States ever since
 the USSR was created.

 According to Faction Two, The Fall of the Iron Curtain was arranged
 by their "plants" in Faction One. Faction Two will tell you that the
 Soviet Union had to be thrown into chaos so that the Eastern
 European nations could be freed from the strangulation of Soviet
 rule, and joined once more with Western Europe.
 The Reason for the Return of the Iron Curtain According to Faction
 Two, the world is safer when there are two super powers, not just
 one. This is why Kosovo is so important. At the moment, there is
 only one super power, the United States. The president of the United
 States is a puppet for the New World Order and their world wide club
 called The United Nations.

 If the current status quo is maintained, the United States will
 become the policeman of the world and every human will come under
 the rule of the United Nations. If this happens, Faction Two will no
 longer exist. The members of Faction Two who sincerely believe that
 all rights come from God will be incarcerated or murdered, along
 with all of the other useless eaters.

 Faction Two does not like this scenario. Therefore they have created
 a plan which will return the former Soviet Union to power, and
 thereby postpone the New World Order's dream of a One World

 At the moment, Austria controls almost 99 per cent of the money from
 the former Soviet Union. The Russian mobsters, drug smugglers and
 racketeers have used Austrian banks to store their ill gotten gain
 ever since the United States gave it to them!

 What the mobsters, racketeers, former generals and such don't know,
 will definitely hurt them. Once the proper men are in place and the
 Iron curtain is restored, the former Soviet Union will prove, in the
 newly created world court, that the money in the Austrian banks was
 stolen from the Soviet government. Austria will return the money.
 Of course Austria could prevent this from happening by dragging out
 the court case for a hundred years. But Austria doesn't want to drag
 this case out. Austria sees the return of the Soviet Union, under
 their guidance, as the destruction of the New World Order... for a
 while at least.

 Remember, a One World Government has only one super power. With one
 super power you can control the whole world. With two super powers,
 there is a stand off, therefore, No Government which controls the
 entire world.  At least this is what my Source believes.

 The crisis in Kosovo is being orchestrated by the Continental
 Europeans, i.e. the royal families from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
 The Kosovo crisis will bring back the Iron Curtain. With the Iron
 Curtain firmly back in place, the New World Order loses its grip on
 the entire world... for the coming 50 or so years.

 The Crisis in Kosovo has been created to resurrect the old Union of
 Socialist States. The NATO air strikes in Yugoslavia have already
 triggered discussions in the Ukrainian Parliament about reevaluating
 the country's politico-military orientation. Pro Russian factions in
 Ukraine and in Georgia will utilize the Kosovo crisis to push their
 own agenda. This agenda will mean closer ties to Moscow. This will
 be the first step to the restructuring of the old USSR.

 However, Continental Europeans do not want the old Soviet Union
 resurrected, they want their version of the Soviet Union to come
 back. The Europeans do not want to be faced ever again with the
 threat of the giant Soviet Bear camped on their door steps. They
 want a buffer zone.

 This buffer zone will be made up of the Ukraine, Georgia,
 Byelorussia, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. These countries will be
 aligned with Moscow and the Communists who will come back to power.
 But they will also be part of the European Trading Zone. This is
 something that hasn't yet been created, but will be patterned after
 NAFTA, or what NAFTA was promised to be.

 Why Milosevic and Yugoslavia?  Why was Milosevic picked to be the
 bad guy? Because he happens to be in the right place at the right
 time.  Yugoslavia is very important to the new European Trading Zone
 that is being planned. There is a river that runs through
 Yugoslavia, and this river is about to become part of the super
 highway of trade between the East and the West.
 In 1996, a source told us that Germany was creating an "Inland Water
 Way" which would open up trade from the Black Sea to the Baltic and
 North Seas. One of the Rivers that would be part of this "Inland
 Water Way" is the Danube.

 The Danube starts in Germany's Black forest region, flows through
 Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, in particular its capitol,
 Belgrade. The Danube then become the border between Bulgaria and
 Romania before it turns north.  The Danube flows north to the city
 of Galati where it then turns east and trifurcates before flowing
 into the Black Sea near Odessa.

 When my source was telling me about the "Inland Water Way" that
 Germany was creating he also told me about the "Robber Barons" who
 built their castles along the banks of the Danube and charged huge
 "passage" fees to all the boats that traveled the Danube.
 If the owner of the boat refused to pay the fees, the boat was
 confiscated, its cargo plundered and its crew held for ransom. If
 the ransom was not paid, then the crew was killed. The most famous
 man to be captured by these "Robber Barons" and held for ransom, was
 King Richard of England, the absent King of the Robin Hood stories.
 The European Trading Zone cannot have robber barons controlling
 countries through which their "inland water way" travels. Milosevic
 could easily become a thorn in the side of the new European Trading
 Zone by becoming Belgrade's Robber Baron or the Serbian Pirate

 The Inland Water Way will provide a very inexpensive way of
 transporting goods between Eastern and Western Europe, as well as
 the East and the West. Yugoslavia could easily become a bottle neck.
 Roving bands of thugs could hijack the ships and demand huge amounts
 of money to let the ships through.
 Milosevic himself could demand a large passage fee to allow the
 ships and barges passage through his country.  These large fees
 would defeat the purpose of the inland water way. This inland water
 way was supposed to decrease the cost of goods, not increase the

 Therefore, Milosevic must go. But not before he has pushed as many
 Moslems out of Europe as possible. The Continental Europeans
 remember their defeat by the Turks as if it happened yesterday.
 These Europeans want the Islamic religion to retreat completely
 across the Bosporus and leave the European Continent completely

 Milosevic is being used for two purposes. His first use is to get
 rid of Moslems who are living on European soil, and his second use
 will be to resurrect the old Soviet Union.
 The time frame for this to happen is what is interesting.  The time
 table for the New World Order to take over the United States and
 declare martial law is December 31st 1999. If a confrontation with
 the Soviet Union arises prior to  this date, then it means that the
 time, money, manpower and energy that was going to be put into the
 martial law plan will have to be diverted.

 In the past few weeks, information has been provided to me that
 leads me to believe that Faction Two has come into a ton of money.
 If this is true, they can finance both sides of the Yugoslavian war
 and let it grow as big as they want.  They can keep it going or they
 can stop it anytime they want, even if they have to insert their own
 men into the battle field on both sides!

 At the moment, we have two communist groups fighting each other. The
 KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) is a Maoist communist group that
 finances its war efforts through the sale of drugs. One of the major
 routes of heroin into the United States is the route through
 Yugoslavia. The Albanians who live is Kosovo are Moslems. NATO is
 siding with Maoist drug dealers, and the United States is part of

 NATO is also violating its charter by attacking a sovereign country.
 The charter that created NATO said it could only intervene when a
 NATO member was being attacked by an outside power, meaning the old
 Soviet Union.  Regardless of all the complexities that are going on
 with Kosovo, Kosovo is important to the restructuring of the world.
 If the crisis in Kosovo proceeds on schedule, then a limited war
 similar to the Viet Nam war will rage for a number of years.
 More than likely an event, similar to the premature babies being
 thrown on the floor by the evil Iraqis, will be staged to enrage the
 hearts and minds of Americans. In light of the Serbian MIG's being
 shot down near Bosnia, where our troops are stationed, I predict
 that the event will involve either:

 The bombing and killing of American soldiers by Serbian planes. Of
 course we will be told they are Serbian planes, but since there are
 no longer any television cameras of independent journalists to
 capture the scene, how can we be sure? And if NATO wanted to have
 the killing of American soldiers fully documented, they could bring
 in Peter Arnett from CNN and have a rogue CIA agent fly a Russian
 MIG and bomb our boys in front of the rolling CNN cameras.

 In other words, we have no idea what is really going on in Kosovo
 right now. For all we know, Bill Clinton has hired Dustin Hoffman to
 plan and direct the REAL "Wag the Dog" and this war footage is being
 brought to us courtesy of Hollywood.

 The other scenario for extending the Kosovo crisis so that the
 former Soviet Union has the time to pull itself together, could be
 the "slaughter" of innocent women and children by the savage Serbs.
 More than likely this massacre will occur close to the border with
 Macedonia, where NATO has many thousands of troops stationed just
 waiting to invade Kosovo and kill Serbs.

 In case you have forgotten, the Serbs are the Marxist Communists. I
 don't know if they deal drugs.  The Kosovo Liberation Army are the
 Maoist Communists.  They deal drugs to finance their Maoist
 communist schools for all the little Kosovo Albanian Moslem
 children.  They also bring drugs into the United States to sell to
 all good little American children. But according to President
 Clinton and NATO, these are the "good guys". NATO and Bill Clinton
 want you to support them.

 I forgot to mention that the KLA also deal drugs to finance their
 wars. China doesn't give them enough money to fully arm themselves
 against the Serbs.

 China sells products to Americans that are made in slave labor
 camps, by political prisoners. These cheap products compete with
 products made in America by Americans.  Americans always love a
 bargain, and so they forgo the better made American product and buy
 the cheap Chinese one.

 Because of this, the American workers lose their high paying jobs
 and end up working at McDonalds and 7-11 just to feed their
 families. President Clinton uses these "two job families" to tell
 Americans that he has created more jobs than any other President in
 history. He fails to tell you that you must now have TWO of his jobs
 to live the same lifestyle you lived under President Reagan having
 only ONE high paying job.  But this doesn't matter to the New World
 Order, the Chinese use the billions of dollars they make trading
 with American under GATT and MFN (General Agreement on Tariffs and
 Trade and Most Favored Nation status) to finance Maoist
 Revolutionary armies all over the world.  The KLA is the first
 Maoist army that has come to the attention of Americans.... AND our
 President says we must be on their side.

 The Speaker of the House has called for the immediate release of the
 700 page report on Chinese Espionage, but that article can only be
 found on the Internet or at the back of your newspaper.
 President Clinton has been accepting money from the Communist
 Chinese since he was governor of Arkansas.

 President Clinton has been having open affairs with hundreds of
 women since he was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford.  Some of these women
 were underage, some were raped, some of his sexual escapades were
 caught on video tape.

 Is William Clinton being blackmailed by the Communist Chinese? Are
 we in Kosovo because his Chinese handlers told him to back their
 Maoist KLA army?

 Then there are the Serbs who are being financed and armed by Russia.
 Where does Russia get her money? From the United States, of course.
 The Marxist Christian Serbs, backed by the American dollar and the
 Soviet Union, are attacking and killing Moslem Maoist Albanians
 which are backed by China, drugs and NATO.

 NATO has entered this war using humanitarian reasons as their
 justification. They cite the two thousand Albanians who have been
 "slaughtered" by the Serbs.

 In Ruanda, 800,000 Tsu Tsi's were savagely hacked to death in the
 most bizarre and torturous murder rituals anyone can imagine. Men,
 women and children were dismembered with machetes. Wives and
 children were raped and hacked to death in front of their husbands
 and fathers. The United Nations was alerted to this genocide, but
 they said they could not interfere in a sovereign nation's civil

 The 800,000 Tsu Tsi's in Ruanda were black. The 2,000 Albanian
 Kosovars are blonde and blue eyed. Will someone kindly tell the
 Reverend Jesse Jackson that his friend Bill Clinton only cares about
 Black people when they vote for Democrats?

 What we are seeing in Kosovo does not make any sense in light of the
 information we read in the newspapers of the world. The only reason
 for NATO's involvement in Kosovo, is to resurrect the former Soviet

 The moment people from the United Nations and the New World Order
 read this column, you can bet that the U.N. will try to stop what
 NATO is up to. Because if this war proceeds on schedule not only
 will it remove Bill Clinton from office, but it will set back the
 New World Order's plan to institute a One World Government by 50 to
 a hundred years.

 Am I saying that the U.N. no longer controls NATO?  I'm not saying
 this, but I bet many people in the United Nation are wondering it.
 Commentary of the Kosovo Events

 By Ru Mills, Editor of Rumor Mill News
 P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95003
 Stories can be e-mailed or faxed to 831.462.3949
 Other items:

 A Source faxed me a short message stating that some of Faction Two
 were murdered in the tunnel fire under Mt Blanc. I have no further
 data on this. No names, descriptions, ages or anything. If the
 murdered men and women were part of any intelligence agency, their
 names will probably never be published. If anyone can find out
 anymore information of this, I would like to see it.

 I do know that Mount Blanc is near the location where the Charter
 for the Knights Templars was written, and the place is still sacred
 to the KT's.


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

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