-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.devvy.com/death_list.html">Death List</A>
A List of Strange Deaths of Individuals Who All Had Verifiable Ties with
Bill Clinton

•The Clinton Body Count
•About That Clinton Body Count
•Are Dead Men Telling Lies [List]

The following list is not some vast right-wing conspiracy. These people
are dead and the only common denominator is their relationship to the
current President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton. Some
people believe in coincidence, but will they believe in coincidences?
You be the judge.


Millions of words have been written about these two people. Bill Clinton
didn't acquire the nickname "Slick" from all his years in politics down
in Arkansas without good reason. Bill and Hill's political regime has
always been referred to as the "Dixie Mafia" for the incredibly bold
fashion in which these two routinely break the law. No? Oh, please, open
your eyes and look at the facts.

Below in the reference section are materials that you can acquire which
document their crimes from day one. Not gossip, not spin, not
conspiracy, but facts. Doesn't it bother the American people when they
hear this "the White House is putting the best spin on it" stuff?
Doesn't the American public see what "spin" translates into? It means
taking lies, massaging them into something resembling a smidgen of truth
and then force feeding it down people's throats. How insulting.

When I say that Bill and Hill are Marxists, that's exactly what I mean.
Bill Clinton is the President of the United States of America. He is
privy to the highest and most classified secrets of our nation dealing
with national security. Do you know he cannot and does not have any kind
of security clearance? That's right. Why? Because of his past dealings
with the Ruskies, the KGB and his cocaine use. Heavens! This should
bother the heck out of every thinking American out there. Apparently it
doesn't because we continue to hear the chant of the brain-dead: "I
don't care who he has sex with in his private life," "It's not our
business who he sleeps with, if it doesn't bother Hillary, it doesn't
bother me." What sniveling bubble heads these sheep are in their myopic
world of blind loyalty to any politician who will grease their palms
with the most government perks from my checkbook. Let's look at Mr.
Clinton's own words to judge what his political ideology really is:

The following is an excerpt from Des Griffin, a gifted writer and
prolific researcher of facts [March, 1998]:

"In the final analysis, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is a sideshow - a
relatively minor distraction. Its salacious nature serves to draw away
from more important issues, namely those that effect the future of the
U.S. For well over three decades, the life of William Jefferson (Blythe)
Clinton has followed an unrelenting pattern of personal deception,
immorality, political corruption and national betrayal....Leaving the
U.S. to avoid serving his country in Vietnam, went to England on a
Rhodes Scholarship. As a student at Oxford, Clinton organized and led
anti-American demonstrations and engaged in other leftist activities. In
1970, Bill Clinton was rewarded for his anti-American activities: he was
the guest of the KGB on an all-expenses paid trip from Paris to Moscow.

The October 25, 1992 issue of Rudge Pravda, the official paper of the
Czechoslovakian Communist Party, carried an article titled, "Mr. Clinton
Stayed with Agent of STB, Select Company." It revealed that on his
return journey from Moscow, Clinton stopped off for ten days in Prague.
There he stayed in the home of Marie Svermore and her husband Bedrich
Kubold." For the sake of brevity, this family is well plugged into the
Communist Party and their son, Jan, attended Oxford with Clinton.

"Another interesting trip made by Bill Clinton was exposed by the
Italian paper, Il Sabato, August 1992 in an article titled 'Comrade
Bill,' where reporter Antonio Socci told of an interview he had with
Clinton at the Democratic convention in NY a few weeks earlier. Clinton
revealed that he had gone to Italy five years earlier to study how to
solve economic problems. "I came five years ago to find out how the
cooperatives, the artisan cooperatives, and the micro enterprises
function. Then I went back to Arkansas and helped to put together 70
youth cooperatives."

Socci was fascinated. "Don't tell me this communist cooperative is your
economic prescription for America?" "Absolutely," Clinton replied. Upon
his return to Italy, Socci interviewed members of the Italian Communist
Party and they confirmed that Clinton had in fact visited their
cooperatives in 1987. One remembered the visit well, saying that he told
Clinton the cooperatives were run by communists and socialists.
Clinton's response was, "No problem."

No? This can't be real? This must be more anti-Clinton, vast right-wing
conspiracy smear material! Wake Up. There is a book you must read, it's
short but to the point and one of the most documented and factual
presentations I have ever seen. In this work titled SECRET, you will see
the FBI documents that link Bill and Hillary Clinton to a Marxist
Terrorist network [the FBI's description, not mine]. They gave money to
the IPS [Institute for Policy Studies] and have been very active in
promoting their agenda: Marxism. No? Do your homework. SECRET is listed
in the reference section. You'll be amazed at how many of their current
chums and White House staff came from this Marxist organization.

This next section is one which cannot be overlooked and must be exposed.
Let me use the words of former Congressman William E. Dannemeyer who
wrote to "leaders" of both the Senate and House of the U.S. Congress. In
his letter, he starkly pointed their befuddled minds to the number of
people who have died under other than natural causes who hold a
connection with Bill Clinton and stated that "the number has reached a
total that can only be described as frightening." Below is that list of
dead human beings. This is not a conspiracy. These people are dead and
their relationship to Clinton is well documented. Wake Up America.

Mary Mahoney. Died July 1997. Was a former intern working for Bill
Clinton. In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paul Jones' lawsuit, and
mere days after Newsweek's Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a former
White House staffer was going to go public with her story of sexual
harassment at the White House, gunmen entered the Starbuck's coffee
house in Georgetown while the crew was cleaning up after closing. Mary's
two associates were taken to a room and executed. Mary had five bullets
in her.
No money was taken. Isikoff's former White House staffer never appears
and the Georgetown police steadfastly refuse to comment on this heinous
killing - a killing the police say is extraordinary since they never
have even one shooting in this area, much less three people executed in
the same place on the same night and nothing taken.

Vincent Foster. White House Counsel. Died July 21, 1993. Everyone's
heard the whitewash from two independent prosecutors but if you want the
truth and not "spin", order Chris Ruddy's book, The Strange Death of
Vince Foster. Suicide my foot.

Maj. General William Robertson, Deputy Commanding General, V Corps,
Europe, former bodyguard to Clinton.

Colonel William Densberger, V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans,
former Clinton bodyguard.

Colonel Robert Kelly, V Corps Chief of Intelligence. Former Clinton

Specialist Gary Rhodes, Crew Chief. All died February 23, 1993. All were
killed when their helicopter crashed in Weisbaden, Germany. No cause
ever determined. V Corps figured prominently in the US Bosnia-Serbia
peacekeeping operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt. These men and
8 others associated with Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt all died
within four months of each other.

Steve Willis, Clinton Bodyguard. Robert Williams, Clinton bodyguard.
Conway BeBleu, Clinton bodyguard. Todd McKeehan, Clinton bodyguard. All
executed by gunfire in the Waco, Texas assault on the Branch Davidians.
All four were examined by a private doctor and died from nearly
identical words to the left temple. All deaths blamed on the Branch
Davidians. Amazing that the Branch Davidians could place the gunshots to
each of their heads in roughly the same places. Amazing.

Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Clinton bodyguard. Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel,
Clinton bodyguard. Major William Barkley, Clinton bodyguard, Capt. Scott
Reynolds, Clinton bodyguard. All died May 19, 1993 when their helicopter
crashed in the woods near Quantico, VA. All four men had escorted C
linton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their
My husband was in the Army 27 years and is a retired Colonel. We have
been absolutely stunned by the overwhelming number of crashed military
planes and helicopters since Clinton took office. It is unprecedented
and in case you are unaware, Clinton stated in his evasion letters to
avoid the draft back in the '60's that he "hated the military."


Dead Fund Raisers:
•C. Victor Raiser II, National Finance Co-Chairman for Clinton for
President Campaign. Montgomery Raiser, son of C. Victor Raiser: both men
died July 30, 1992 in a private plan crash in Alaska en route to a
fishing expedition. No cause was ever determined. Five others not conn
ected to Clinton died with them.
•Paul Tully, Democratic National Committee Political Director. Died
September 24, 1992. Found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas
of unknown causes. No autopsy allowed.
•Ed Willey, Real Estate Attorney, Clinton Fund Raiser. Died November 30,
1993 of a gunshot wound to the head. Body found deep in the woods in
Virginia. Ruled a suicide. No note was found nor motive ever determined.
THE Kathleen Willey of 60 Minutes Deception fame- her husband.
•Hershell Friday. Attorney and Clinton fund raiser, dead March 1, 1994
when his plane exploded. No known cause ever determined.

Jerry Parks, Head of Clinton's Gubernatorial security team in Little
Rock. Died September 26, 1993. Gunned down in his car at a deserted
intersection outside Little Rock. His family reported that shortly
before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons and their
home had been broken into; Parks had been compiling a dossier on
Clinton's illicit activities; the dossier was stolen and never

James Bunch, influential Texan died in 1993 from a gunshot wound similar
to Vince Foster's. Was discovered to have a "little black book" which
contained the names of many influential people in Texas and Arkansas who
visited certain prostitutes. A good friend of Bill's.

John Wilson, former Washington, DC Councilman. Died May 18, 1993. Found
dead from an apparent hanging suicide. Was getting ready to start
talking about Clinton. Dead men tell no tales. Bill Shelton, Arkansas
State Trooper and Fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Died June 1994 by allegedly
committing suicide by shooting himself at the grave site of his fiancee,
Kathy Ferguson. Ferguson was the ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson.
Kathy also committed "suicide" in June 1994 when she shot herself in her
living room. Strangely, next to her body were her packed bags as if she
was expecting to go somewhere. I guess she was packed for her after
life...Danny Ferguson is a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in Paul
Jones' sexual harassment suit. Kathy was reported as a corroborating
witness for Paula Jones.

Gandy Baugh, Attorney representing Mr. Lassiter in a case concerning
alleged financial misconduct. Died May 1994 in an alleged suicide by
jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. Lassiter was a close
associate of then Gov. Clinton and was later indicted and convicted on
cocaine charges and was PARDONED by Bill Clinton. Slick has now started
his big ad campaign on the war on drugs yet he pardons his close cocaine
dealing bud. Hello out there, does anyone see anything wrong with this

Dr. Ronald Rogers was killed in a plane crash. Dr. Rogers was a dentist
and was on his way to an interview with a London Daily Telegraph
reporter to reveal information on Bill Clinton that he just couldn't
live with anymore - and he didn't. He died with the truth.

Stanley Huggins, partner in a Memphis law firm in 1993, found dead at
the age of 46. Law firm headed a 1987 investigation into the practices
of Madison S & L; his 300 page report has never been released.

Florence Martin, accountant subcontracting to the CIA , found dead in
1994 in Mabell, Texas, the victim of three gunshot wounds to the head.
Ms. Martin had the documents and paperwork, including the PIN number for
an account that had been set up in the name of Barry Seal for $1.5
million at the Fuji Bank in the Cayman Islands. Oddly enough, following
her death, the money was transferred to the Guaranty Bank in the Cayman
Islands and then to another bank in the Virgin Islands.

Jim Wilhite, associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Many remember the
sleezy McClarty from Clinton's first administration. Wilhite died in a
skiing accident on December 21, 1992. Michael Kennedy and Sonny Bono
should have paid attention to history - it has a habit of repeating
itself and some people relive it. As a side-note, during the Waco
whitewash congressional hearings, Bono, in tears, said Janet Reno was a
mass murderer. Well, he's not around to criticize her anymore and no
doubt, she will get away with gassing and burning 100 Americans.

Susanne Coleman. Had an affair with Bill Clinton when he was Attorney
General down in Arkansas. She was another ASS victim: Arkansas Suicide
Syndrome. Gunshot to the back of her head. No autopsy performed, she was
pregnant at the time of her murder; rumors around Little Rock: Bill was
about to become a pappy again.

Paula Grober, Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf. Died December
9, 1992 in a one-car accident with no known witnesses. I have seen a
photo of Paula and she was very attractive; traveled extensively with
Clinton from 1978 until her death.

Paul Wilcher, Washington attorney investigating government corruption.
Died June 22, 1993. Found dead on a toilet in his Washington apartment.
No cause of death ever determined. At the time of his death, he was
investigating connections between the alleged October Surprise, which
involved Reagan, "Ollie" North, Pointdexter and Secord - another
cover-up, as well as Waco and the drug and gun-running still going on
outside Mena, Arkansas. Wilcher had delivered his 100+ page report to
Janet the Butcher of Waco Reno a week before his death. I have a copy of
this report.

Jon Parnell Walker, RTC investigator [Resolution Trust Corporation - as
in bank fraud investigations] who mysteriously fell to his death from an
apartment balcony at the Lincoln Towers in Arlington, VA. This apartment
is reported to be the one Vince Foster used as a retreat. Back in 1992,
Walker contacted the Kansas City RTC office for information concerning
the ties between Whitewater and the Clinton duo. What exactly was he
looking for? A reported $50 million transfer from an RTC fund in Chicago
to Madison Guaranty S & L to cover up a $47 million dollar embezzlement.
I watched the hearings on C-SPAN with the RTC group. Those who tried to
tell the truth were slayed by the Demarats on the committee. Another
whitewash on Whitewater.

Ron Brown, Former Chairman of the DNC and Commerce Secretary. The Liars
for Hire aka the establishment media, have done their best to smear
anyone trying to get to the bottom of this very convenient and horrible
plane crash in which 39 people were killed. May 3, 1996 the T-43
carrying this trade mission group on a trip to Bosnia crashed while
approaching Dubrovnik airport. Ron Brown was on the verge of being
indicted and had prior to his departure, made it known that he "wasn't
going down alone."
On May 3, 1996 at approximately 11:00 am MT, I, along with at least a
hundred other people I know, saw the first coverage of this plane crash
on CNN. What did we all see: A CNN reporter at the Dubrovnik airport,
lots of activity in the background. This female reporter said the
military rescue craft were just lifting off - lots of activity in the
background - to begin recovery efforts in the ocean! She said the
reporters were told that the tail section of the plane was in good
condition and sighted by rescue planes. She went on to say that the
weather was kinda rough but that rescue operations were underway.

Later that day, I saw, again on CNN, the first pictures of the crash -
on the side of a hill. I saw the tail section, shiny and white, like it
had been washed, on the side of the hill with some other wreckage.
Imagine my surprise. I guess this must be another vast right-wing
conspiracy by my eyes....Later that same day, CNN carried a quick blip:
Ron Brown's business partner, while in South Africa on business, was
shot in an assassination attempt but had survived. I have no further
information on whatever became of him.

What I find so odd is that Mrs. Ron Brown got the run-around from the
White House when Chris Ruddy's story and photos of a possible bullet
hole in her husband's head broke. To this day, I cannot understand why
she hasn't had her husband's body exhumed and autopsied. Of course, that
would let any cat out of the bag. Or, perhaps, since it is now public
knowledge, everyone knows her husband was cheating on her for years with
Nolanda Hill and Mrs. Brown has had her faced rubbed in it, sadly in a
very public way.

My heart goes out to Mrs. Brown but I sincerely wish someone could
convince her to have Commerce Secty Brown's body exhumed so we can get
to the truth and if he was murdered and those responsible punished.
Thirty nine people died on that plane, their families deserve the truth,
America deserves the truth. All the military personnel who have blown
the whistle on this are having their previously untarnished careers
trashed because they came forward with legitimate questions. When is
this going to stop?

Chief Niko Jerkuic, committed suicide May 6, 1996. He was Air Traffic
Maintenance Chief for the plane Ron Brown died aboard in his "accident."
Dead men tell no tales.
If you can, get a copy of the April 1996 American Spectator
[703-243-3733]. It came out six days before Brown's plane crash and
gives a thorough, chronological accounting of why Brown was to be
indicted by the Justice Department. This issue also carries the feature
story, incredibly well documented on how the traitor, William Perry,
former Secty of Defense sold all our technology and military secrets to
the Reds and was known as the darling of Peking. This man collaborated
with the Communists and if it were you or me, we'd be tried for treason
and sedition. Instead, Perry collects his fat government retirement and
continues to collaborate with our enemies. And for those Clinton
supporters who want to spew their usual bilge that this magazine is
funded by Richard Mellon Scafe, try reading the article and then do the
research - you'll come up with the same sickening facts.

Barbara Wise, Commerce Department Staffer. Found dead November 29, 1996,
partially nude and covered with bruises in her locked office at the
Department of Commerce. No cause of death has been announced and the
police refuse to comment on this death. It surely must be a conspiracy,
except that official records show that Bill Clinton made an unscheduled
return from Camp David to the White House the morning she died and
before her body was discovered.
The President of the United States claims he flew back from Camp David
to retrieve a book of poetry he needed to finish his inauguration
speech. Really? Doesn't he have staffers to do this? He interrupts his
Thanksgiving break to fly all the way back to the White House to get a
book of poetry? And sure I believe that, folks.

Something I find frightening is the fact that Ms. Wise's murder so
closely resembles the story line in a Clint Eastwood film titled
Absolute Power. Eastwood just happens to observe the President of the
U.S. beat up and murder his sexual paramour and then the cover-up
begins. This is not the type of video I rent but on a recommendation
that I would find the similarity between Clinton and the president in
this movie overwhelming, I rented it and found it bone chilling.

Charles Meissner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International
Economic Policy. Following Ron Brown's death, John Huang was placed on a
Commerce Dept., contract that allowed him to retain his security
clearance by Charles Meissner - something considered nothing short of
astounding. Shortly thereafter Mr. Meissner died in a small plane crash,
Mrs. Meissner still works in the Clinton administration.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry. Initial cause of death was said to be falling
asleep on a railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987. Next the
local sheriff said it was a double "suicide". Later it was determined
that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the track
s. The other teenager, Don Henry had been stabbed in the back. These two
young boys allegedly had stumbled on the drug running operation still
going on outside Mena, Arkansas.

Keith Coney died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988; Keith was
fleeing an attacker. Keith had a great deal of information on the
Ives/Henry deaths.

Keith McKasle, stabbed to death in November 1988. Also had information
on the Ives/Henry deaths.

Gregory Collins. Had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Mr. Collins
died from a gunshot wound to his face in January 1989.

Jeff Rhodes had information on the Ives/Henry and McKaskle deaths. His
burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989 with a gunshot wound
to the head, body mutilation.

James Milam died shortly thereafter. He had information on the
Ives/Henry deaths. Although he was decapitated, Fahmy Malak, the
Arkansas State Medical Examiner ruled his death as a result of "natural
causes." No lie, read his report.

Richard Winters was a suspect in the deaths of the two teenage boys,
Ives & Henry. He was killed in a "robbery" in July 1989 by a man with a
sawed off shotgun; this robbery was later proven to be a set-up. Dead
men tell no lies.

Jordan Ketelson, also had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He was
found shot to death [shot gun blast] in the front seat of his pickup in
June 1990.

Danny Casolaro, 1991, a reporter investigating a number of the Clinton
"scandals"; found dead in a bathtub in a hotel room in West Virginia,
his wrists had been cut. Had done what so many of us have done: told our
families that we are not suicidal.

Stanley Heard, Chairman, National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory
Committee. Steve Dickson, counsel to Mr. Heard. both died in a plane
crash September 10, 1993 outside Dulles airport; fire reported on board.
Their plane developed unexplained trouble so they had to use another
plane which just happened to be available at the time. In addition to
serving on Clinton's advisory council, he also personally treated
Clinton's mother, stepfather and cocaine using brother, Roger.

1989: A bank president, Dan Short, abducted from his home in Benton Co.,
Arkansas and allegedly forced to open the State Bank in Noel, MO were
$71,000 was allegedly taken. Mr. Short's body was allegedly found in
Grand Lake in Delaware County, OKlahoma even though eye color, hair
color and dental records did not match. Three days before his abduction,
he had told friends that he had been laundering drug money and was in
trouble. The Mena and Bill connection is strong here. Where is the real
Dan Short?

Gary Johnson: Not dead but beaten half to death and left for dead. He
had videotapes of Clinton going in and out of Jennifer Flowers'
apartment building; Mr. Johnson lived next door. The tapes were taken
and never recovered.

Dennis Patrick. Court Clerk in Kentucky. Mr. Patrick had at least four
documented attempts on his life. Why? The Little Rock brokerage firm of
Lassiter & Co, owned by the convicted cocaine dealer, Dan Lassiter -
pardoned by Slick Willie Clinton - laundered millions of dollars through
Mr. Patrick's account at Lassiter & Co., without his knowledge. You can
imagine the paper trail of documents Mr. Patrick has in his possession.
Mr. Patrick went into hiding and is no where to be found.

L. J. Davis. Reporter investigating Clinton scandals. Attacked in his
hotel room in Little Rock; his notes were stolen, he survived.

1983: Sheriff Gene Matthews was shot and killed allegedly by federal
officials. Sheriff Matthews crime: Looking into the drug activities at
the Mena airport.

1986: Russell Welch, an Arkansas State Police Investigator who was
stricken with what his doctor called military grade anthrax poisoning
while conducting his own probe of the Mena drug operations.

And, from investigative journalist, Pat Shannan:
"In 1986, Barry Seal [previously mentioned] was ambushed and
machine-gunned in his home in Baton Rouge, LA. A Hollywood movie called
"Double Crossed" was later made of the story of Seal's escapades as a
cocaine-running pilot hauling his periodical loads into Florida and
Arkansas. The film did not detail his true and close association with
the Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton." The information being given
here by Pat Shannan is a matter of public record in a number or
courthouses involving the trial of Dan Lassiter and in references given
below in the reference section. This is not, I repeat, not, some soap
opera or some future script for Steven Segal. This material is factual
as are all the deaths being recounted in this section.

"...on my radio show was presented a video tape showing Governor Clinton
inspecting a load of cocaine inside Barry Seal's airplane, along with
his crony Dan Lassiter. Lassiter was the wealthy businessman who later
took the fall for the drug conviction and was then pardoned by Clinton."
This is a matter of public record. On September 23, 1996, former
Congressman Robert Dornan spoke on the floor of the House of
Representatives about Clinton, the surveillance tapes the drug
enforcement people made of his brother Roger referring to Clinton
sniffing the coke and what a vacuum cleaner Bill's nose was for cocaine.
Dornan did not survive his reelection bid in November 1996. Clinton
under no circumstances will release his medical records. Gee, I wonder

These surveillance tapes are real and were made by undercover law
enforcement, not the vast right-wing conspiracy elves Hillary whines
about. Dornan and a lot of other people in Congress have heard them.
Where's Dan Blather or Tom Broken Jaw or any of the other hot-shot
reporters? Where's Woodard & Bernstein? These media people all listened
to the Lewinsky tapes. How come no interest in these other tapes made by
law enforcement? How about the C-130 that went straight into a mountain
in Wyoming in 1996, all military crew and one Clinton former bodyguard
who was aboard, all killed. Experienced air men and pilots flying
straight into a mountain? Give me a break. That's right - it's all just
a vast right-wing conspiracy!

April 17, 1995, near Alexander City, Alabama, another plane crash. I
requested under a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] Request from the
NTSB [National Transportation Safety Board] & FAA [Federal Aviation
Administration], their accident/incident files on this plane crash; I
received them in April 1997. This crash was a USAF C21 (Learjet 35). I
have all the notes, radar, pilot conversations with tower, etc. This was
another one of those incredibly strange crashes. The Assistant Secretary
of the Air Force, Clark Fiester was among the eight people killed on
this flight.

My interest in this flight was the one Army member on board who was
flying on a "space available" basis and the documents he allegedly was
carrying at the time - documents "unfriendly" to Bill Clinton. Since I
am still looking into this, I won't elaborate any further. All AF
personnel, the one Army individual, all killed on this routine flight
that ended up dumping fuel, who radioed they would be ready to land in
28 minutes after the fuel dump - four minutes later they were all dead.

On January 29, 1995, the London Sunday Telegraph ran a story titled
Arkansas Drug Expose Misses the Post. This was a well documented story
about the drug running in Mena, implicating political figures, law
enforcement and Bill Clinton. In this article by Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, he points out the fact that the Washington Post was
going to run a story on this, roughly 4,000 pages and 11 weeks of
research. Guess what? The piece was canceled the prior Thursday. Free
press in America? There's a hoot. Only an idiot can't see that the "free
press" in this country, 88% of them voted for Slick in '92, are
protecting this criminal couple.

And for all those "pro-choice" supporters of Slick Willie, this: In a
1986 letter to the Arkansas Right to Life group: "I am opposed to
abortion and to government funding of abortions. We should not spend
state funds on abortions because so many people believe abortion is
wrong." And, a little extra for your money: In 1977, Richard Gephardt:
"Life is the division of human cells, a process that begins with
conception. The Roe ruling was unjust and it is incumbent upon Congress
to correct the injustice." I guess both of them decided there was more
money to be had in taking the side of those who think nothing of
murdering of unborn babies. Funny, I have yet to see Gephardt begin the
correction process by Congress of this "injustice."

March 8, 1998, James McDougal. Former Whitewater partner of the
Clinton's. Died in solitary confinement less than 24 hours before he was
due back in front of a grand jury. The details of how he was transferred
to Texas, the unusual and weird way in which he was treated has led to
at least one prisoner there to give a full accounting of what about 150
other prisoners saw the afternoon McDougal was put into solitary
confinement. This one stinks real bad and if I were Jim Guy Tucker, I'd
be very concerned. Can all these deaths of individuals with the same
common denominator - Bill Clinton - can they all be just coincidence????

I have suggested to some independent media investigators that they look
into this: Prior to Susan McDougal going to jail for refusing to testify
in front of a grand jury re Whitewater, her two brothers in Arkansas
barely kept their heads above water regarding their business dealings.
Suddenly Susan sacrifices herself for truth, integrity and the America
way and whala! her two brothers are now drowning in work and their
personal finances have taken a miraculous turn for the better. I know,
it's just a coincidence.

In a recent interview on big network TV, Miss Susan said, "There are
worse things in life than a few months in jail." This was in response to
a question as to what Susan thought Monica Lewinsky should do about
testifying in front of a grand jury. It is reported by those who have
listened to the Linda Tripp tapes that Ms. Lewinsky made one comment to
the effect that she "didn't want to end up like Katy Mahoney." Remember
the Starbuck's executions?

March 29, 1998, Johnnie Laughton. Found a cashier's check made out to
Bill Clinton from Madison Guaranty (1997), cashed but not endorsed.
Found in the trunk of a car at an auto salvage dealer in Arkansas after
a tornado. How unbelievably convenient and how did this car with all
this incriminating material end up where it did and then found after all
those years? Some say it was the Fifth Column at work. All material
turned over to Ken Starr. Clinton testified under oath that he never
took a penny in loan money from Madison; this cashier's check in the
amount of $27,000 was made out to Clinton, cashed with no endorsement on
the back. Johnnie may have been called to the Whitewater grand jury
someday. Well, that problem is solved. Another coincidental death? Dead
men tell no tales.

March 31, 1998, Neal Moody, the step son of Lisa Foster, widow of
Vincent Foster. She married Judge Moody, a Clinton appointee, two years
after her husband's incredible suicide. Neal met a violent car death
while carrying allegedly incriminating documents regarding the death of
Vince Foster. Another coincidence?

I could fill a hundred pages with the truth about people like Alphonso
D'Amato, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, the very dangerous wacked out
Communist sympathizer, Al Gore and on and on and on. However, seeing is
believing and you will believe the truth when you do the homework. I'm
providing you with more than enough reference material, by category, to
get educated so you understand just how serious the situation is and why
you must get involved. Yes, I'd rather be fishing but if your house is
on fire, do you sit around and watch TV or do you get up and get the
fire hose going?

Are there any more Clinton related deaths I've missed? Who knows.
Patrick Henry had some words of wisdom which so appropriately apply
here: "It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are
apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth." Millions of Americans
have indulged in the illusion of hope offered up by the Clinton duo.
Those same millions seem willing to shut their eyes against the painful
and well documented truth. Not me.

If you are unfamiliar with Devvy's two booklets, you need to order them;
 these are the current updated versions. We must get the truth out to as
many people as possible. Knowledge is power but it does us no good to
keep this knowledge to ourselves. This section on strange deaths is just
the tip of the iceberg. America is in crisis and the people need to be
armed with the facts if we are to reach our fellow Americans and get
them to become pro-active. Education is critical in getting Americans to
stop treating the symptoms from lack of credible facts and start curing
the cancer.

Why A Bankrupt America was first distributed in 1993 and has sold one
million one hundred eight- five thousand copies. Blind Loyalty was
released and has sold 120,000 copies. Devvy's booklets are two of the
most read publications in America; Devvy receives no royalties from her
work. Her project exists only to educate and motivate. Have you read
them? Have you ordered them and made them available to your friends,
neighbors and colleagues at work?

These booklets contain the painful truth. Please order them today!


By permission, we are posting the following articles from World Net
Daily, September 24, 1998. The third article is another list of deaths.
This list contains most of the ones on the list above but there are some
new ones I wasn't aware of so you might just scroll down and check it
out. World Net Daily is owned by Western Journalism Center and their web
site is: http://www.worldnetdaily.com
•The Clinton Body Count
•About That Clinton Body Count
•Are Dead Men Telling Lies [List]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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