-Caveat Lector-

: Title: Shoah business: Salon interviews author Norman Finkelstein

: http://www.salon.com/books/int/2000/08/30/finkelstein/print.html

:  Shoah business

:  The son of an Auschwitz survivor accuses the "Holocaust industry," Elie
: Wiesel and Jewish leaders worldwide of a vast shakedown.

: Viktor Frölke

:  Aug. 30, 2000 |

:  [About the writer, Viktor Frölke is a New York correspondent for Het
: Parool,
: a daily published in Amsterdam, and Elsevier, Holland's biggest weekly. He
: lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.]

:  [Norman Finkelstein] -  "The official number of Holocaust survivors the
: Israeli government now
: gives is a million. Or 960,000, to be exact. At the same time Jewish
: organizations have been claiming, since the early '90s, that 10,000 die
: each month. So that would mean that in 1990 there were 2 million survivors
: left. In 1990, not more that a quarter could be alive from World War II.
: That means 8 million in May 1945. Well, there were fewer than 8 million
: Jews in all of Nazi-occupied Europe. In other words, if these numbers are
: correct, the Holocaust didn't happen. As my mother used to say, if everyone
: who claims to be a Holocaust survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?"

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