Yes, I would think you would need a licensed install of whatever OS you want.

Tracy Johnson
Ye olde fashioned text games at:


Mar 8, 2010 04:24:35 PM, wrote:

VirtualBox requires a copy of Windows, no?

--- In, Dale  wrote:
> Tracy Johnson wrote:
> > I noticed the same scroll over issue under Ubuntu in WINE. No biggie
> > for me, I have a Windows machine also.
> I thought Crossover is a commercial packaging of Wine? If that's true
> then it doesn't surprise me that Crossover has the problem as well.
> The menu artifact is due to the way XtremeToolkit (from Codejock)
> renders UI elements in off-screen bitmaps. Wine must process internal
> Windows messages in a manner different than what XtremeToolkit
> BTW... It's this toolkit that has prevented me from simply "open
> sourcing" the Windows source code of CB.
> This will all be moot when the toolkit has been removed from source
> code from the FOSS version and the current Windows version.
> Right now it might be cleaner to just use VirtualBox which is free
> and runs Windows in a virtual session. I think VirtualBox also
> seamless windows as well so CB should feel right at home.
> Dale

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