Dave Korn <dave.korn <at> artimi.com> writes:
>   It might be worth trying a snapshot of 2.602, I think we fixed this on
> mainline: it should automatically choose the "ok" or "continue" option in any
> dialogs that would be generated.
> http://cygwin.com/setup/snapshots

Dave, I tried running this snapshot setup with the -q option, and it still 
halted when it encountered a dialog box. (in this case it was an "entry point 
not found error as explained below)

While running this test, I encountered an interesting race condition:
If I am updating on a box that has "in use" files, and cygwin1.dll cannot be 
replaced, when postinstall scripts try to run they generate all kinds of errors 
because SOME of the new binaries DID install and when it tries to run them they 
FAIL because they are not supported by the CURRENT .dll.
How do you get around this situation?
I guess the obvious answer is to make sure NO cygwin related processes are 
running when you run setup. But I was hoping it would just schedule the files 
for replacement and do it on the next reboot.

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