On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 02:53:20PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Err, that should never happen, unless you're updating from a
>> several-years-old DLL.  The Cygwin DLL is intended to be backwardly
>> compatible, and only rarely have their been ABI breaks.  So this aspect of
>> updating doesn't get tested very often.
>No, that's wrong.  It is expected to see errors about missing entry
>points, because what's happening is a binary that was built against a
>newer cygwin DLL is being run against an older cygwin DLL because it
>could not be replaced.  The backwards compatibility only works in the
>other direction, where you run an older binary against a newer DLL.
>There is no workaround for this.  You either make sure the DLL isn't in
>use or you suffer from broken postinstalls (which usually means a broken
>installation.)  There's really nothing else that can be done.

Dave did suggest a possible workaround - delay any postinstall scripts
until the next reboot.


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