i'm coming from a *nix background, but i'm finding that cygwin makes things suck less on windows.

one of the things that really annoys me are the duplicate *.exe commands...
        cat & cat.exe
        awk & awk.exe
        sed & sed.exe

what a mess, especially when i use auto-complete in my shell.

i'm curious, could it cause problems if i delete all "*.exe" files from my command hash? or should i first check that it's really a duplicate? ie;
  if i have "/path/to/foo" and "/path/to/foo.exe" then foo.exe goes away
  if i have "/path/to/bar.exe", but not "/path/to/bar", then bar.exe stays

it seems like the same list of things that get pruned either way, but for the sake of portability i'm wondering if there would be problems just getting rid of everything *.exe.



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        "Poor people have access to the courts in the same
         sense that the Christians had access to the lions."
                -- Judge Earl Johnson, Jr.

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