Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>>> Now, to anticipate your next question, '/usr/bin/cat.exe' and
>>> '/bin/cat.exe' are not duplicates either.  See the results of typing
>>> 'mount'.
>>   That was the exact opposite of what you meant to say, wasn't it? 
>> /usr/bin/*
>> and /bin/* absolutely are duplicates of each other, as you hoped to
>> point out
>> by showing them mounted to the same place.
> I guess that depends on what you mean by "duplicates".

  Ah, I see your point.

>  I meant it as in
> one is not a copy of the other.  They are the same file as viewed from
> two different directory paths.  Delete one in one path and the other goes
> too.  A "duplicate" to me means that I could delete '/usr/bin/cat.exe', for
> example, and still have '/bin/cat.exe'.  This is not the case with Cygwin.
> Hopefully that clarifies things for everyone. :-)

  Yes, they are not so much "duplicates" as "aliases" of each other.


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