On 07/01/2014 10:37 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> I'm forever replying to sender as an individual, instead of the
> group-sender by hitting "reply". Someone hinted that this was some old
> flame war, etc. Out of PURE ignorance and being fairly new to this
> provenance, is there a reason behind it that makes sense?

As far as I understand this is done to retain the ability for a poster
to _either_ reply to the list or to the message's author whereas adding
a "Reply-To: debian-user..." header would prevent this making the
"Reply" and "Reply List" buttons (e.g. in Icedove) equivalent.
Additionally, this way, the original message is altered as little as

> The various Debian lists are the only lists I've encountered since the
> days of Slackware floppy installs that acts in this fashion hitting
> reply, which replies to individual sender instead of the group-sender.
> I'd just like to be less ignorant. Thanks, in advance, for any reasoned
> replies. Ric

Just guessing and HTH

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