On 10/21/2014 10:23 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 21/10/14 19:28, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Lu, 20 oct 14, 23:46:03, Ric Moore wrote:

I will posit, from the threads I've read, that someone could make more than
pocket change by branding pitch-forks and torches with "Debian" on them.
Then we'd only need to recruit the geeks willing to riot. Imagine that! That
might be preferable to the ~endless~ dialogs. Just burn something down! Go
for the GOLD ...if you want page hits, fame and glory!

In my experience many of the people that are so loud on-line are quite
shy in real life. Somehow the "anonymity" of the internet allows them to
express themselves. Which is good and bad at the same time :)

John Suler's "The Psychology of Cyberspace" nicely describes the
dynamics at play.

<quote>: "People are reluctant to say what they really think as they stand before an authority figure. A fear of disapproval and punishment from on high dampens the spirit. But online, in what feels like a peer relationship - with the appearances of "authority" minimized - people are much more willing to speak out or misbehave." <quote/>

No kidding. Why do you think people wind up in prison?? No fear of authority and breaking the rules, in the Real World. No diff. Me, I'd MUCH prefer that systemd threads be started from people using it and asking questions or posing Real World problems concerning the use of it's features. I haven't seen nary a one.

I am supposed to be using a "fence" to restart Proxmox cluster nodes when they fail and to trigger another mirrored node to become active to replace the failed one. Systemd claims it can restart/reboot if it detects failure. Anyone tried this yet?

I think I'll pose this one on user. Maybe we can get something useful happening. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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