On 10/28/14, Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Vi, 24 oct 14, 22:59:11, Joel Rees wrote:
>> Are you interested in learning programming?
> I've had some classes about basics of programing (using BASIC as
> example) and I even started going through some Python tutorial once, but
> never got too far. I guess I don't want it badly enough at the moment ;)

To me, programming is one of the most enjoyable hobbies ever. So much
possibility for creativity, for practical creations, for utility and
also for optimization (for the obsessive-compulsives amongst us :)

And the satisfaction of a job well done, when you know you've achieved
your goals that you set for yourself. E.g. algorithmic
window-placement in shell script, as my most recent jaunt. So very
satisfying once I cracked that problem into a resoundingly conclusive


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