On Vi, 14 nov 14, 21:35:17, Joel Rees wrote:
> 2014/10/28 4:51 "Andrei POPESCU" <andreimpope...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > I've had some classes about basics of programing (using BASIC as
> > example) and I even started going through some Python tutorial once, but
> > never got too far. I guess I don't want it badly enough at the moment ;)
> Why those two?
Didn't have a choice on the first one, it was what the teacher was 
using, and probably the most accessible at the time given the hardware 
and software available in that university.

> Python is just BASIC done right. Plus an interesting idea about using
> whitespace instead of brace symbols to open and close blocks, which
> could be said to be part of doing BASIC right.
> You like REs, so perl might be interesting. But the syntax is not awk
> or sed syntax, so maybe not.

Like? Not really. Sometimes they are just the right tool for the job.

> Haskell might feel comfortable, since it's declarative/functional
> instead of imperative/procedural.

Sounds interesting indeed.

> I personally like FORTH, but it is definitely an acquired taste, so I
> won't recommend it to you . LISP, on the other hand, other than the
> standardization problem, may be just what you're looking for.
> I've noticed that the languages people consider themselves most
> comfortable with tend to be congruent with certain aspects about their
> points of view on the world around them. Neither something to
> criticize nor something to praise, but something that ends up also
> coloring the conversations I have with them. Being acquainted with a
> lot of languages is a useful thing.

Probably the same as with spoken languages.

Kind regards,
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