Thank you for responding to my query, Mr. Zade. I have been in touch with
a couple of vendors and have received some estimates from one. If you can
recommend some sources to me privately (or on the forum), that would be
appreciated too.

But more fundamentally, I want to better understand the data acquisition
and processing pipeline and the value addition that the commercial vendors
are bringing in. As I understand, the census tables are publicly available
at the town/village levels too. However, the Office of the Registrar
General/Survey of India don't make the maps publicly available in a
geospatial format. In that case, are there mechanisms wherein I could
purchase the administrative boundaries for the town/village resolution
through the relevant government offices and conduct the data merging at my
end? Or it isn't as simple because the identifiers may not be
consistent/unique across databases.

There is definitely merit in paying up for the convenience of having
everything organized, and I may eventually do so. But I am just trying to
think of ways in which I could maximize my available budget by using as
much information as is available in the public domain.

Also, just a shoutout to all the members of the datameet community in
general for being generous with their time and sharing their experiences
and expertise!


On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 6:15 AM Mohan zade <> wrote:

> if you are looking for district wise census data. it might have been
> available publicly, However, considering the finest resolution i.e at the
> village level, it is available with few third party vendor which I know
> them very well.
> Thank You!
> Mohan
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 11:56 AM aditya medury <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am trying to figure out resources which represent census data (e.g.,
>> primary census abstract, household amenities & assets) at the finest
>> resolution possible geospatially (community development block,
>> town/village, sub-district, district) at a pan-India level.
>> If any of you who work with such data can recommend your go-to resources
>> for such efforts, that would be much appreciated. I am also open to
>> exploring relevant database purchases through a combination of Office of
>> the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Survey of India or third-party
>> vendors, in case such databases aren't available publicly.
>> My current understanding is that the variables are available through the
>> Census website (but may need to be collected and organized, which some
>> people here have already done). However, the administrative boundaries that
>> are compatible with census-related codes at the various levels aren't
>> always easy to obtain. So any leads on how to go about curating such a
>> database would be very helpful.
>> Thanks,
>> Aditya
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