Hi all,

> This year the Day Trip is set for Wednesday, August 27, and will
> involve a bus ride into the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. You can
> read more details about this trip in the DebConf wiki:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/DayTrip

Given that I only arrive late on the day prior could you please tell me,
or other interested parties of course, where to gather for the bus pickup?

Also where do we get the boxed lunch? I assume this belongs to the day
trip and not the food package that I didn't book. If it belongs to the
latter, it'd nice to know to bring one's own lunch.


Michael Meskes
Michael at Fam-Meskes dot De, Michael at Meskes dot (De|Com|Net|Org)
Michael at BorussiaFan dot De, Meskes at (Debian|Postgresql) dot Org
Jabber: michael.meskes at gmail dot com
VfL Borussia! Força Barça! Go SF 49ers! Use Debian GNU/Linux, PostgreSQL
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