Le dimanche, 17 août 2014, 23.11:11 martin f krafft a écrit :
> also sprach Patty Langasek <harmo...@dodds.net> :
> > The Hike is expected to be an intense hike. It's described by people
> > who hike regularly as "moderately difficult", 3 hour, 7.7km hike
> > with a rise of 470m.  It is recommended for hikes of this length
> > and intensity to have at least a liter of water with you, so please
> > be sure you're prepared.  This hike will also require hiking shoes.
> Can you please define "hiking shoes"? What terrain are we dealing
> with? Unpaved roads? Stones, rocks, mud, glaciers? ;)
> > I earnestly don't think people have been warned about this enough.
> > :)
> OdyX can carry whoever doesn't make it.

I wish I would! I would also happily carry a heavier bag full of 
food/water/hats if that makes the hike easier for others.

But apparently the 56 seats are all taken already. :'(


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