also sprach Michael Banck <> [2016-02-04 21:51 +1100]:
> We could mention a duration for workshops, but maybe it's better
> to write something in the description (or CfP) that we assume it's
> 2h by default but people should get in touch with content if they
> need something else.
> This all assumes that the team can change individual sessions like
> 'social' to mostly random lenghts if need be, is that correct?

While we might implement sanity checks in the scheduling interface,
the actual scheduling of an event is not in any way dependent on the
event, just on the slots. I.e. the scheduling team can drag a 20
minute even across 3 1-hour slots, or squeeze a 3hr workshop into
a 15 minute slot (if such exist).

Most likely, this flexibility will be a feature, but the downside is
that we are going to be operating strictly within "slots".

If we make too many of them (e.g. every 10 minutes), then the
schedule will become unreadable;

If we make the slots too long (30 minutes, or 1hr), then we cannot
schedule 20 minutee events. Well, unless we make it include the
break, see

We can have different slots on different days, so we don't have to
operate within a rigid frame all week.

Hope this makes sense,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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