also sprach Carl Karsten <> [2016-02-15 12:07 +1300]:
> I have seen tags be done well and less so.  I am not sure what the
> magic is.

Not claiming that I have said PhD in tagology (Enrico Zini knows
a lot about this topic…), but I think taxonomy is a huge deal here.
Either give everyone space to manage tags using their own taxonomy
(cf. usertags in the BTS), or make sure that you have a very
well-organised, self-explanatory, extensible taxonomy (cf. debtags).

Conversely, I've never been a huge fan of services like
and others, which let you slab anything onto anything really,
exposing it to everyone else. If you tag something with
"interesting", that shouldn't make it "interesting" for me,

A pre-defined list of tracks would constitute a very limited
taxonomy, and I fully agree with your sentiment that tracks are
essentially just tags with the (possibly limiting) "feature" that an
event can only be a member of one track. Like that silly
directories-and-files structure we are still stuck with, and it's
the 21st century…

> I hope Waffer has support for tags, or if it doesn't, maybe that
> is a better feature to add instead of track? (and then use tags to
> manage tracks)

We are working on a solution that would allow us to affix free-form
key-value pairs to objects in wafer, accessible via a REST API. If
we manage to put it in place in time, then I suspect it'll get used
a bit by orga, but long-term, I'd hope to be able to open this to
the public such that you can tag events any way you like, and even
share your tag cloud with others. And there could obviously be a tag
cloud curated by the content team with a well-defined taxonomy.

However, we're talking two things here: one is pure information
management mostly useful to the attendees (I think), whereas the
idea of "owned tracks" has wide implications on the way that we
arrive at the conference schedule.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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