also sprach Gunnar Wolf <> [2016-02-05 05:43 +1100]:
> > The list of evnt types were: Ad-Hoc, BoF, Plenary (admin-only?), Social,
> > Special event (admin-only?), Talk, Workshop
> Ad-hoc is not something we should offer upfront. Traditionally (and
> I'm explicitly not including DC15, as I was not involved) we tried to
> leave a portion of unallocated space in our regular, published
> schedule, and manage ad-hoc talks strictly opening each slot one or
> two days before it happens (or the whole week upon DebCamp start in
> other ocassions, or...)

I feel like there isn't much difference between "unallocated" and
allocated as "unnamed ad-hoc slots", but this is really up to the
content team.

Talk types and allocations are completely dynamic and can be changed
at any point in time later.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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