Package: debhelper
Severity: normal


The Lintian maintainers recently made several accommodations [1] for
some of the new features coming in Debhelper, but it is not clear from
Lintian's own packaging efforts that the 'remove-on-upgrade' attribute
in conffiles always works as intended. For a recent Lintian artifact
built on unstable [2] the development version of Lintian produces the
following hint:

    E: lintian: conffile-is-not-in-package etc/lintianrc

Lintian prides itself on provoking no hints [3] so the matter received
some attention. Upon inspection, it seems debhelper turned the
instruction in d/lintian.maintscript

    rm_conffile /etc/lintianrc 2.90.0~ lintian

into that line in DEBIAN/conffiles

    remove-on-upgrade /etc/lintianrc

but those two ideas are not the same! Lintian has not shipped
/etc/lintianrc for some time. [4]

Debhelper also stopped inserting those generated lines in the
maintainer scripts (and in fact shipped no scripts at all):

    # Automatically added by dh_installdeb/13.2.1
    dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile /etc/lintianrc 2.90.0\~ lintian -- "$@"
    # End automatically added section

For this inquiry, we compared the recent build artifacts from Salsa CI
[2] with the Lintian version 2.104.0 currently in unstable.

I believe this is a bug in Debhelper. Please let us know if you concur
with our analysis. Thank you!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner


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