Le dimanche 28 septembre 2008 à 11:42 +0200, Loïc Minier a écrit :
> reassign 500430 gnome-session
> severity 500430 normal
> retitle 500430 Could try to shutdown gconf after logout
> stop
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008, Juan Miguel Corral Cano wrote:
> > Gconfd-2 will stay alive for about 30 secs after user has logged out.
> > Well, if you have nfs4 mounted homes, then debian will hang indefinitely
> > when you shutdown via gnome, since it will be unable to unmount the 
> > filesystem because gconfd-2 is using it. 
> > I am experiencing this on my network.

This should not happen, since gconfd-2 does not keep any open file
in /home. Could you check what files are open at the time the umount is

>  I think gnome-session could try to shutdown gconf, but I'm not sure how
>  easy that is with the WM also using gconf.

It could, and it will probably do that when gconf finally uses dbus.
However that should not be necessary for unmounting partitions.

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