> This should not happen, since gconfd-2 does not keep any open file
> in /home. Could you check what files are open at the time the umount is
> blocking?

Confirmed. The file is "~/.gconfd/saved_state". gconfd-2 keeps it open
for about 30 seconds after the session is closed.

I have tried, as a workaround, to add a script in runlevels 0 and 6,
that executes the first, and reports every proccess accessing the 
nfs-homes filesystem an then kills it. This is the output:

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/home/cfs:           jmcorral   4201 F.... gconfd-2

With this script killing the gconfd-2 proccess, shutdown sequence
proceeds normally: no errors, and the computer powers off.


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