Am 26.05.2010, 17:22 Uhr, schrieb Andrew Lee <>:


Please report to BTS instead of write me in private.

I oversaw it at first.

michael hatzold wrote:
Did you use '--desktop' option with it?

With fluxbox I use a startup file. There is an entry "pcmanfm &" which
opens pcmanfm in the background to speed up the start when I really need
it. I use this since I have installed fluxbox time ago.

I haven't use fluxbox myself. I assume you are answering my question
that you didnot use '--desktop' option with it.

I wasn't sure whether your question refered to fluxbox or pcmanfm. That's
why I answered as I did.

Now some strange observations:

1) When I comment out "pcmanfm &" with the _new_ version, fluxbox
desktop does not start completly (i.e no desktop BG and no icons) but
pcmanfm doesn't open during fluxbox gets loaded.

2) Now, when I go back to the testing version and still comment out
"pcmanfm &", it is the same, no BG and no icons and pcmanfm doesn't open
during fluxbox gets loaded.

3) If I now enable  again "pcmanfm &" in the fluxbox startup file
fluxbox starts with desktop BG an icons and  pcmanfm not in foreground.

I really do not understand this kind of interaction. Above all, # 2)
makes no sense at all.

What's the point above?

The point is: pcmanfm interacts with fluxbox BG and wallpaper settings. As
I see it, it should not and did not until the newest version.

If there is any testing I could do, please let me know.

Try to use 'pcmanfm --desktop &' instead.

Using newest version with 'pcmanfm --desktop &' reveals an unwanted
interaction between fluxbox and pcmanfm:

1) On startup fluxbox changes to the background colour, loads the desktop
icons but _not_ my wallpaper.
2) Then, when I right click, the fluxbox menue opens _AND_ the pcmanfm
context menue opens at the same time. Both windows overlap partially.

If I can help with further testing, let me know (but maybe it is easier to
install fluxbox, configure a BG and wallpaper and see yourself).



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