
Le mardi 16 août 2011 à 21:11 -0500, Kumar Appaiah a écrit :
> This time, CCing Peter.
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 09:10:41PM -0500, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> > 
> > Another good samaritan, namely Peter Drysdale, whom
> > I have CCed, has responded with an offer of help. It would be nice if
> > you could collaborate on your changes, so that things can become
> > easier for all and share your ideas.

Oh yes! great! Indeed my skills in programming are very low. So if I can work 
on packaging and someone to work on the code itself (patches, discuss with 
upstream), it'd be excellent. We could work together in a complementary way. I 
did 1st tests with lintian, I've to say I don't understand some messages, 
especially those which have been appeared since I changed from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 
as TODO says. That for both packages.

> > I'll also try to chip in whatever way I can.

In changelog, I added myself to Maintainer and uploaders, but I let your name. 
Does Peter want to be added to these fields? If yes, I could send the result of 
lintian and we could work together on it. 

I stay available for every idea,


> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Kumar
> > -- 
> > Kumar Appaiah
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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