On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 13:31 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> If that symlink doesn't exist (it's the upstream-supported way of finding
> the headers for a given kernel), you have to set the KSRC makefile
> variable to point to the header tree.  make-kpkg does this for you.
Yeah,.. I've seen that just before... even when doing this, the build
fails cause of the missing file you've spotted.

I guess I'll wait for Manoj to comment on this, maybe something is fishy
with the way kernel header packages are packed together.

In the meantime I'll have a look at building the kernel with the now
official(?) way using just make in the source package, though there seem
to be no automatic .changes file/signing as far as I can see :(


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