On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:47:20AM +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> Thus, the file itself being source code,

You are the only one who uses a definition of source code that includes
generated files.  This is confusing; please don't do that.

> So I believe that the lintian error considering these dissimilar cases
> together is wrong, and overriding is a reasonable solution

In case of a Lintian warning/error, there are 3 possible options:
1. Lintian is right.
2. Lintian is wrong, and should be fixed.
3. Lintian is wrong, but your package is very special and fixing it in
Lintian would add unreasonable complexity to it.

The solutions for these cases are:
1. Fix your package.
2. Fix Lintian.
3. Use an override.

The cases we were discussing on debian-devel-games were clearly 1 ("I
stopped caring about it and added an override").  The case you are
discussing here might be 2, which is what you're arguing.

I have not seen anyone mention anything that would hint that case 3 is
applicable to any of this discussion.

Ignoring a bug because you set your priorities is understandable and
(in some cases) good.  Adding an override is not.


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