El Mon, 12 de May 2014 a las 6:01 PM, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> escribió:
Am 13.05.2014 02:54, schrieb Russ Allbery:
 Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> writes:
AFAIK, d-i disabling of s-s-d is a historical workaround for packages not using invoke-rc.d (back in the days before it was a Policy "must").
 Maybe it's time to drop this diversion of s-s-d?

Yeah, that's just what I was thinking. Any software that doesn't honor an invoke-rc.d policy is RC-buggy anyway, and it would be good to catch and fix that.
Given the responses so far, I might consider doing a MBF based on the
list I posted at [0]. I think this list is pretty complete wrt SysV init
scripts. I could extend that to cronjobs etc if there is interest.

I found another use of su that may need to be added to your list. rabbitmq (oddly) wraps itself up in a shell script, /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server, which asserts the user is root or rabbitmq, and drops down to rabbitmq if it is root (using su), then starts the actual binary. The problem with this one is that it is upstream code and cannot use s-s-d for obvious reasons.

If I am wrong in thinking this usage would be buggy, then carry on.

Cameron Norman

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