
Am Sonntag, 6. November 2022, 05:58:21 CET schrieb Hideki Yamane:
>  And, some upstream majar version will be released during Debian's
>  release freeze. Well, how we can save those "missed release train"
>  releases? Just "ignore and wait 2 years" is easy to say, but if we
>  can introduce those in point releases with "predictable" schedule,
>  it would be better, IMHO.
>  * KDE Plasma: 5.27 - 2023-02?

We will try our best to get Plasma 5.27 into bookworm. It's gonna be 
tough, but we still think it's doable.

The reason why we really want 5.27 instead of 5.26 is because 5.27 will 
be the last Plasma 5 release and hence an LTS release.

We've created a page on the wiki with our plans for everything Qt and 
KDE related: https://wiki.debian.org/PkgQtKde/BookwormReleasePlans

Med vänliga hälsningar

Patrick Franz

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