Sebastian Ramacher <> writes:

> As with all mass bug filings, discuss the issue first on debian-devel.
> See developer's reference 7.1.1. This discussion could have both
> answered the questions whther RC severity is appropriate for this type
> of bug and whether it's a bug at all.

Historically, we have not treated FTBFS bugs as falling into the category
of mass bug filing or requiring this pre-discussion.  Various folks have
been mass-filing FTBFS bugs near the release freeze for many years now and
they generally don't get a debian-devel discussion first.

Now that we've identified that there is a significant project disagreement
over the definition of build-essential, bugs specifically related to that
disagreement may be worth some discussion (which is happening now).  But I
think that's new information for Santiago, not something that was obvious

I think it's pretty clear from this discussion that the current Policy
wording is not sufficient, and we shouldn't have ambiguous language over
something as central as what build dependencies packages need to declare.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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