also sprach Tony Godshall <> [2009.05.12.2003 +0200]:
> Yes, I see that it's optional, and actually rather pointless in my
> case since I'm booting off the RAID partition, unless grub reads
> mdadm.conf .  But grub only reads /boot, not /etc, right?  /etc
> would not be available until /etc/fstab is processed.

The point is that mdadm.conf is copied into the initramfs and is
thus available at boot time before the root filesystem is available.

> Now that I have a better idea of what's going on during the boot
> process, I googled and found this:

Note the change history. ;)

> Wish I'd found it earlier.  I could have submitted a much better
> initial report.  By the way, Martin, sometimes it's good to give
> people a little more "why" with the "do this", "do that".  Or point
> them to a good wiki or faq.  Bug reporters don't necessarily choose to
> be ignorant and a word to the wise-guy may save a bit of flame. ;-)

Yes, I am aware. And sometimes it is necessary to first poke around
a bit to find out which direction the actual cause lies. It just
takes too much time and is potentially confusing to explain the
background for each case. Once the solution is found, I always give
more information, for the poster, to recap myself and find possible
holes, and for posterity.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
a farmer is a man outstanding in his field.

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