
On Jan 2, 2008 12:28 AM, Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a Policy proposal that's sat in the Policy bug queue with wording
> and seconds for quite some time.  I'd like to resurrect it and resolve it
> one way or the other.

I think the proposal is a good technical solution to the problem: I
really want to still be able to apt-get install
libbusiness-onlinepayment-bankofamerica-perl, I don't need to think
twice to find it.

But, is this really a problem? I don't completely grasp the benefit of
using reduced names for libraries. Also, there is the problem of
assigning good names. Perl modules usually don't have fancy names,
saving a couple of distributions. For XS wrappers of C libraries, it
could just use the name of the C library plus -perl, but what about
the rest of CPAN?

And I find the lack of a lib prefix (like the python people do) ugly.

Call me a consistency freak :)

Martín Ferrari

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