
Russ Allbery schrieb am Tue 01. Jan, 22:54 (-0800):
> +       <file>debian/README.source</file> documentation file is
> +       recommended.  This file should explain how to do all of the
> +       following:
> +         <enumlist>
> +           <item>Generate the fully patched source, in a form ready for
> +           editing, that would be built to create Debian
> +           packages.  Doing this with a <tt>patched</tt> target in
> +           <file>debian/rules</file> is recommended; see
> +           <ref id="debianrules">.</item>
> +           <item>Modify the source and save those modifications so that
> +           they will be applied when building the package.</item>
> +           <item>Remove existing source modifications that previously
> +           were applied.</item>

Should this be the opposite of the first item or should this describe how
to remove user modifications, i.e. bring the tree in the state after
doing debian/rules patched?

The rest looks good and I agree that such a source is useful, but it
should also be allowed to refer to a central document like
/u/s/d/dpatch/README.source. I expect that many README.source look the

Bye, Jörg.
„Wer im Usenet gelesen werden will, sollte leserorientiert schreiben. Wer nur
 für sich schreiben will, dem ist mit einem Tagebuch vielleicht besser
 geholfen. Gelesen zu werden ist kein Recht, sondern ein Privileg.“
     Thore Tams in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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