Ihor Antonov <ihor@antonovs.family> writes:

> 1. I am now limited to Web Browser with JavaScript enabled. On mobile I
> am limited to the browser or centrally owned and developed app.

Yup, this is certainly a concern.

Note that, in the message to which you're responding, I was only
attempting to answer your question (what additional moderation over what
we have now would be useful) and laying out some of the reasons why it's
worth looking at this technology.  My goal was not to write an evaluation
of the pros and cons; my goal was to point out why there are advantages.

I personally am very comfortable with email and don't have a strong
opinion here, so maybe I should have stayed out of this discussion, but I
have a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to people getting very negative about
something *before* an evaluation (and I think Debian has a bit of a
tendency to do this).

It's okay to look at new things!  Often we'll decide that we don't like
them after we look at them.  Sometimes we'll decide we like them but there
are flaws that we can't live with.  Sometimes we can even fix those flaws.
It's a process.

> Here is what is wrong with this:

>  - You are making a God-like judgement call that everyone must have
>  graphical environment running, with a hardware powerful enough to run a
>  browser with JavaScript.

I seme to have gone from zero to God rather quickly in this discussion.
It's a bit dizzying.

I'm not sure that anything else I can say here will be all this useful,
but I do want to juxtapose these two quotes from your message.  I think
they may be somewhat related.

> This line of thinking is very much alike to racial and gender inclusion
> problems. Why do you think you can make this call for everyone?


> It is similar to saying that learning language, etiquette and how to be
> polite, how to listen to others is too hard and not welcoming to those
> barbarians toddlers that don't know how to talk. If all they want to eat
> is sugar and candy it doesn't mean that it the right thing to do.

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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