On Sunday, April 12, 2020 11:51:27 AM PDT Russ Allbery wrote:
> Ihor Antonov <ihor@antonovs.family> writes:
> > And separately, I got interested in Debian because it was using mailing
> > lists in the first place.  Mail is decentralized by design and this is
> > why it is so important for freedom of speech.
> I don't understand this comment.  Mailing lists are inherently centralized
> by design.
> > Now you suggest a centralized platform for communication, because it is
> > easier to moderate (oppress freedom of speech). To me it sounds like:
> > "Yes you can talk, but only if you do it on my terms, on my territory".
> > Moderation is a slippery slope, using centralized communication platform
> > is one step closer to dictatorship.
> The forum to which you sent this message is already moderated and has been
> for months.  I suspect you didn't even notice.

So how then you need more moderation possibilities with Discourse? 

> That said, I will argue that "yes, you can talk, but only if you do it on
> my terms, on my territory" is a message that the Debian project should
> send about its own communication channels.  (Obviously people can go
> create their own and that's no business of ours.)  That's how we create a
> community that can get things done together, rather than a 4chan
> free-for-all full of abuse and trolling.

> We should think carefully about both the terms and the territory and be
> both gentle and understanding, but we will not successfully create a free
> Linux distribution (the actual point, after all) within the noise of
> complete freedom from consequences in communication.
> I don't believe Debian is or should be a welcoming home for people who
> care more about the ability to say anything they want whenever they want
> in project forums than about making a free software distribution together.
> And yes, these two goals do sometimes come into conflict (although we can
> try to minimize how often that happens).

I do not advocate for free-for-all. It is just the ability to decide on who 
gets to say 
what should not be in the hands of a single person / small group, it is way to 
easy to 
get corrupted/biased/controlled.

Coming from a corrupted-to-the-bone post USSR country I speak from personal 
experience of being on receiving end of that situation. You may think that it 
is for the 
best, but it is not.

Ihor Antonov

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