On 2020-04-14 14:30, Ansgar wrote:
> That said I'm in principle fine with trying a mostly
> web-only system; just like GitLab also really needs to be used over the
> web.

I'm a salsa.d.o user of course, but how often would I login into
the web interface? Once a month? 99 % of the interaction is git
push and fetch. I'm happy, that we moved from svn to git, partly
because I can do more things offline.

While I'm in favour to explore alternatives to email, I don't
feel comfortable with anything, that does not support offline
usage and that does not work well on the text console.

Maybe somebody™ can write a Discourse client? "Discurses"?
Something that downloads messages, supports offline reading,
answering, editing, "likes" and votes, and uploading results.

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