I'd like to echo the comment that  requiring people to regularly visit
the site does not  seem to meet Debian's needs very well for trust.
I'd imagine there are a number of people in our community who will tend
to read things via email, but who would only visit the site to help
moderate--splitting topics, editing things, flagging posts, etc.
You can like a post via email.

I think it is great to try new things.  But I think that biasing the
moderation power too much toward people who visit the website would make
me uncomfortable trusting the system for important project discussions
in ways that a system that allowed all our trusted users to be trusted
would not.

I absolutely think it is reasonable to require people to become familiar
with the site and its capabilities.  I think it is reasonable to expect
trusted members to understand how this is different from traditional
email.  But forcing a particular interface on those people seems
problematic.  From my personal standpoint, the site isn't horrible from
an accessibility standpoint, but reading what I can out of email is
always going to be more usable for me.  I'll go to the site if I need
to, but being forced to go to the site to meet some metric is

I'm not saying this needs to be addressed prior to experimenting.
I'm saying that as an individual I want to see an improvement here prior
to depending on this for any important project decisions.


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