On 18 September 2017 at 22:41, Charles Plessy wrote:
| Hello everybody,
| I just wanted to relay the information that some R packages will need a
| rebuild after the next upgrade of R.  (see the email forwarded below.)

Common knowledge. I referenced it half-a-dozen times in the damned thread
about the binNMUs.  The ALTREP branch for R was announced as coming earlier
in the year, and is now in the r-devel master branch (ie R upstream).

We will switch to r-api-4 then which will finally break the effing block
posed upon by the release team in response to the 'R 3.4.0 has a change' bug
report by Johannes.

| (By the way, I apologise in advance that I am being crushed for time
| currently and will not be able to help much).

This will happen in April 2018.  Hopefully you will have more spare cycles then.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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