On 19 September 2017 at 14:15, Johannes Ranke wrote:
| > But you escalated it
| Mhm. I reported a bug with severity "normal". Maybe the language I used was 
| too dramatic?

The whole bug report was, pardon my French, complete and utter nonsense. The
folks who needed to know already knew.

But you increased the visibiity, and as a consequence you have now "freed"
all testing users from a current version of R.

| > And the net effect is no current R in testing for a year.  Really not a good
| > outcome.
| This could still be overcome by introducing versioned Breaks,

I will not introduce Breaks for 100+ packages. It will only create
unanticipated side effects I as the maintainer the have to clean up.

That is a firm no.

I will also stop with the completely useless thread now. 


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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