On 2022-02-21 17:42, Anton Gladky wrote:
Dear all,

Google Summer of Code call for Debian is announced [1].
I am going to apply Debian Science Team as one of the projects.

Main topic is QA-Work: Autopkgtests for high-popcon packages,
gitlab-CI for most of packages, bringing not-in-testing packages
into the proper shape to let them migrate to testing.

If somebody wants to be a co-mentor or if you have better ideas
for the project, please let me know.

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2022/02/msg00002.html

It would be helpful to run parallel/HPC performance testing for our MPI numerical packages.

This would be a type of CI testing that we would set up to run regularly and report. Lucas Nussbaum is in charge of an academic supercomputing cluster that we can access to run such tests.

Some packages have benchmarks already at hand. The FEniCS project for instance offers fenicsx-performance-tests (both prebuilt and source).

The project would determined how to set up MPI CI testing (how to activate it on Lucas' system), and what parameters (test size etc) to use to get meaningful numbers. A suggested tools for managing test parameters and results might be https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

The report format could be similar to https://fenics.github.io/performance-test-results/ or perhaps the GSoC worker could come up with a better way of presenting results.

It would be useful to be able to quantify how well our HPC packages actually scale (in cloud computing environments) and monitor if there's any drop in performance (e.g. with version updates)

Also useful to report their performance with the various BLAS alternatives.

This would be valuable GSoC project I think.


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