Hi Thomas,

Am Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 05:36:57PM +0200 schrieb Thomas Koch:
> A question to DPL candidates
> It seems (to me?) that more and more areas of our lives become political and 
> controversies on such topics more aggressive. Or people stop talking with 
> each other.

I share this observation.
> How would you as a DPL try to lead a community that focuses on producing a 
> great distribution without getting divided on controversial topics?

I'm not really sure in how far you consider the first statement relevant
to the question.  If your focus is on political controverses I have a
clear statement:  Make sure off-topic messages will be reduced to a
bare minimum on Debian channels (maximum is one message to invite people
to a non-Debian channel and mark this invitation [OT]).

If the discussion about technical topics that are relevant for Debian
might become controversal this is no problem as long as participants of
the discussion are following our Code of Conduct[1].  This is something
we once agreed upon and I consider it very important.
> (I hope it's not violating rules to pre-post a question before the campaign 
> period?)

Just answering after the campaign period started.

Kind regards

[1] https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct


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