Hi Paulo,

I'm changing the subject to match the content of your question.

Am Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 04:01:12PM -0300 schrieb Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana:
> In your page, you wrote:
> "I would encourage everyone to minimize air travel whenever possible.
> Fortunately, I've noticed a tendency among Debian community members to
> prefer land travel over flights anyway."
> How about travels between continents, and traveks in regions/continents
> without the same train network you have there in Europe?

First of all you might like to watch the video from last DebConf[1].
The statements I gave inside the discussion has not changed.  I'm
perfectly aware that flying is not good and we should avoid it.  My
personal experience is that flying for some "sensible purpose" is
hard to evaluate.  Just to give a private example:

  My flights to Vietnam (+ some luck and DebConf15 in Heidelberg)
  have finally led to the situation, that I have two adopted
  daughters from Vietnam who are living now in my house.  One of
  my daughters joined me in my effort to plant trees[2].  How do
  want to calculate the total CO2 footprint from flights compared
  to the trees that are planted here?

This example is totally unrelated to my DPL statement but should
demonstrate the problem:  The somehow calculable CO2 consumption per
seat in a plane can be wrong with quite some error.

My current travel plan to DebConf24 is:

  1. Find a single flight that connects Germany with South Korea
  2. Find train connections 
      a) from my hometown to the airport in Germany (which is
         definitely not the nearest one)
      b) from Incheon (Seoul) to Busan (4-5 hour train ride)

That way I replace two local flights by train rides and I would like to
encourage people to do so.  I have a personal no flights in Europe
policy and I'm sure that my position as DPL does not include telling
anyone how to travel.  I just want to express what kind of flights I
consider acceptable for me and how you can interpret my statement in
my platform.
> > I hope my platform was clear enough that I'm in favour of increasing the
> > diversity in Debian.
> I read you page yesterday but I would like to know what ideias do you have
> to increase gender representation and geographic diversity?
> I'm sure everybody is in favor to increase diversity, but what can be done
> in practice?

First of all I consider a kind and inviting environment important in any
case.  I tried to answer what else can be done in the paragraph "Tiny
tasks".  In my discussions with some women I know from DebConfs I learned
that it might be helpful to define tasks that are requiring small slices
of time.  I referenced this in the paragraph "Lower barriers"  with:

  For instance, I've encountered the argument that in many cultures,
  women have less leisure time ...

You might check that I'm honest about this by verifying my DPL platform
git inside the tools dir[3] where I'm currently developing some (not yet
finished) scripts) to get-missing-tests and get-random-bug.  Depending
from the time my DPL tasks might leave me (which I really can't
estimate) I would like to guide newcomers kindly to do some dedicated QA
work inside Debian and by doing so have some look into "hidden corners".
Its just an experiment where I'm personally keen to see what outcome
this might have.

I'm continuously in close contact with some women in Debian (including
Sruthi) who I met at several DebConfs .  I highly evaluate their opinion
and trust their insight.  To come back to the traveling topic above:  I
would not have met those women without flying to DebConfs.

Any further ideas are highly appreciated.

Kind regards

[2] https://fam-tille.de/baeume_pflanzen/
    German only, but life translation will work.


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