* Gerardo Ballabio <gerardo.balla...@gmail.com> [2024-03-19 09:38:26 CET]:
> Another facet of the question is: do you think that Debian should
> support and/or take action on "good causes" that aren't part of its
> stated mission (and that some people, including some DDs, might
> disagree on being "good")?

 Extending the DFSG towards interacting with actual people in the project
(especially #5, #6), not just licenses, should actually be a non-brainer, but
seemingly it isn't.  So here we are again.

> For example (by no means an exhaustive list, feel free to add):
> - should Debian aim to reduce its carbon footprint and/or optimize
> software for that goal?

 Given that the climate change disproportional affects people in certain areas,
I would draw a connection to DFSG#5 and #6.

> - should Debian support and/or actively drive initiatives to increase
> diversity in Debian Developers, or in the software industry in
> general, or in the world at large?

 Diversity in the software we support within the project is a key factor.  And
diverse needs and approaches to things root in diverse background of people.
Ignoring that there are systematic issues within the project playing into the
underrepresentation of a demography in our community, this is tightly connected
to DFSG#5 "No discrimination against persons or groups".

> - should Debian take any measures (boycott, suspend or expel
> developers, refuse to consider as a host for Debconf...) against
> countries that are perceived by some as "behaving bad" -- as examples
> related to current events let me just mention Russia and Israel?

 I wonder why you left out Italy with its fascist Meloni.  I might have an idea
on the why, but that's a different topic.  Helding inhabitants of countries
responsible for their governance is off-limits.  The reason why the debconf in
israel was canceled was due to safety concerns in current affairs and by far
not connected to the developers there, and I am very disturbed by your
implication in that statement.

> - (this is an issue that once hit me personally) should Debian enforce
> the use of a particular language with respect to gender issues?

 What you call "gender issues" is a downright discriminatory issue against
trans people, denying the existence of intersex people, and claiming that
chromosomes would be something you can see when you look at someone.

 On that grounds, I have to thank you for your downright disrespectful
statements in 2019.  It allowed me to create a poetry slam text out of it, got
nominated for local championship because of it, and had it printed in a trans
focus anthology.  So while your claims are scientific nonsense, I still have to
thank you for the indirect elevation of me in that field.

 Unfortunately you still are hung up on your discriminatory and downright
disrespectful position that you brought up in 2019 already, haven't learned
from the discussion, and still seem to find a way that the Code of Conduct
wouldn't apply to you, nor the DFSG#5.

Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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