Hi Andreas,

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 06:57:33AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Am Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 07:30:51AM -0400 schrieb Roberto C. Sánchez:
> > ...
> > In any event, rather than infer what you might believe, I thought it
> > more respectful and helpful to ask you give some insight into how you
> > shaped your view so that those who consider voting for you might
> > understand how you would like to reshape the Debian project.
> Since you are repeatedly asking for measures I might like to add that
> I'm very keen on giving *everybody* a fair chance to contribute.  

I am not opposed to answering your question concerning Salsa and its
role in providing opportunities to contribute to Debian, but as they
say, "we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about you."

First, let's be very clear about something, I have repeatedly asked for
metrics concerning your position on diversity based on the fact that in
your platform you cite "a notable over representation of male
contributors originating from countries typically considered
industrialized" as something that needs to be addressed. I have
rephrased my question and offered several different possible ways of
framing a response that would be satisfactory.

Yet, for some reason you seem unwilling to discuss this particular topic
and you now feel the need to change the subject. I do not understand the
purpose of making something a part of your platform and then refusing to
discuss it. If I were to let you divert the course of the conversation
now, then I would be falling short in my duty as a project member with a
responsibility to inform himself concerning those who seek to lead the
project. So, I refuse to allow the change of course in this
conversation. I believe very strongly in leadership accountability and
that accountability begins with transparency on the part of leaders and
those who would seek positions of leadership.

I have only asked my question repeatedly because it is not being
answered. Let me ask you, please, to be transparent.

So, I will repeat my question: what are your quantitative diversity
goals and metrics, and what are the rationales behind those goals and

Now, since I asked first, what about if you answer my question, and then
I'll see about answering yours?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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