On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:28:33 -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

> The reason for asking the question in the first place is because the
> statements made by the candidates demand some level of quantification.
> What, precisely, is the problem with asking for a quantitative
> description of a quantifiable problem?

Sorry to interrupt and jump on a meta level, but it's not "the
statements" which demand quantitative descriptions, it is you who
does this.

I'm not saying this is inappropiate or wrong or whatever per se, but
it's not nature-given, god-given or something, it's _your_ opinion
that a quantifiable approach to these questions would be useful and
_your_ decison to ask those questions.

Apparently, even if not explicitly spellt out, others disagree.
Also fine, also legitimate. And …
> The reason for asking so persistently is because the question still is
> not being answered.

… probably the reason why you don't get any answers on those


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