The <URL: > package uses
debtags to select packages to show, and make it easy to find games,
educational, scientific and other kind of Debian packages.  But it seem
to misbehave, and I am unable to understand what is going on.

My observations come from the use of golearn, which I believe will show
all packages tagged "use::learning and ( role::program or
role::documentation )".  But not all packages with these tags show up in
golearn.  Here is an example from a fresh Wheezy based Debian Edu

  pere@skolelinuxtest:~$ debtags search use::learning and role::program | wc
    150    1195    8329
  pere@skolelinuxtest:~$ debtags search use::learning and role::program |tail 
  verbiste-gnome - French and Italian conjugator - GNOME interface
  w3-recs - Recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  xcwcp - Morse code tutor - graphical user interface
  xiphos - environment for Bible reading, study, and research
  xletters - Type falling words before they land
  xoscope - digital oscilloscope
  xplanet - planetary body renderer
  yaws-doc - Documentation and examples for Yaws web server
  ydpdict - interface for Collins and Langenscheidt dictionaries
  zekr - Quranic Study Too

Looking at the golearn GUI running on the same machine, there isn't 150
packages listed.  For example, the ydpdict package is not shown and
neither is xletters.  For golearn and debtags to be useful, we need to
figure out what is going on to be able to control what will show up in
golearn using debtags.  Anyone able to help me?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

Debtags-devel mailing list

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