[Andreas Tille]
> Hmmm, beeing in Germany is no excuse to do nothing (otherwise I would
> use this!) ;-)

I totally agree. :)

> Another short question before I might file a bug report:  I tried
> goscience and noticed that there are way to less screenshots displayed.
> I know we made some effort to have screenshots for most of the biology
> related X applications but there are close to non available in
> goscience.  What exactly is the procedure to obtain the screenshots?

I believe it is "build a package with the screen shots included" and
"make sure it is installed with goscience".  : games-thumbnails is one
such package, which should be updated with the latest images for
games.  At least that is the procedure until
<URL: http://bugs.debian.org/659846 > is properly fixed.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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