
At the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, we encountered 
an issue with transitive dependencies when using the IJava [1] Jupyter kernel 
that uses Apache Ivy for dependency resolution.

When adding the dependency org.janelia.saalfeld.lab.n5-ij [2] Ivy does not 
correctly recognize net.imglib2.imglib2 [3] as a compile dependency. This is 
because when processing the parent POM (pom-scijava [4]), Ivy only stores extra 
information with a groupId__artifactId key without the classifier.

The initial fix I have produced is to modify the key to include the classifier: 
groupId__artifiactId__classifierId. I have prototyped these changes on a Github 
fork [5]. I would like to discuss how we might upstream these changes to Apache 


Mark Kittisopikul, Ph.D.

Software Engineer II
Computational Methods, Scientific Computing
Janelia Research Campus
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

[1] https://github.com/SpencerPark/IJava
[2] https://github.com/saalfeldlab/n5-ij
[3] https://github.com/imglib/imglib2
[4] https://github.com/scijava/pom-scijava
[5] https://github.com/mkitti/ant-ivy/commits/mkitti-maven-classifier

P.S. Some details on n5-ij to imglib2 dependency chain.

n5-ij declares a dependency on n5-imglib2

n5-imglib2 declares a dependency on imglib2

The parent POM for both above projects is pom-scijava which contains a maven 
dependency management section. The dependency management section contains two 
entries for net.imglib2.imglib2
Unclassified dependency setting the imglib2 version to 6.1.0:
Dependency with tests classifier adding net.imglib2.imglib2 as a dependency 
with a test scope.

I have posted some minimal configuration files here for testing:

The abbreviated output of `mvn dependency:tree` is as follows.

[INFO] \- org.janelia.saalfeldlab:n5-ij:jar:3.2.6:compile
[INFO]    +- org.janelia.saalfeldlab:n5-imglib2:jar:7.0.0:compile
[INFO]    |  +- net.imglib2:imglib2:jar:6.1.0:compile

What I would expect to see from Ivy but I only do after applying my patches:

[ivy:dependencytree] \- org.janelia.saalfeldlab#n5-ij;3.2.6
[ivy:dependencytree] |  +- org.janelia.saalfeldlab#n5-imglib2;7.0.0
[ivy:dependencytree] |  |  +- net.imglib2#imglib2;6.1.0

Appling the patches requires that the Ivy cache (default ~/.ivy2/cache) be 

The current dependency management entries from pom-scijava are currently parsed 
by Ivy as follows, which causes imglib2 to be wrongly classified as a test 
rather than compile dependency:


After my patches the dependency management entries are as follows with a 
classifier entry. With my changes, under the default classifier, imglib2 is now 
correctly scoped as a compile dependency.


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