On 31/12/14 19:09, L. David Baron wrote:
>> Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/
> The TR draft of that spec looks a bit out-of-date.  Will you be
> referring to the editor's draft, and tracking the progress in the
> working group, or be in touch with others who are?

Yes, I'm working off of the editor's draft:


I'm also collaborating with Freddy Braun and the other editors to fix
the remaining problems with the spec.

> It looks like perhaps an early-ish draft.  Does the working group
> believe it's stable enough to implement and ship?  Or is the plan to
> implement and hold off on shipping until it's more stable?

At TPAC, the working group decided to keep the stable parts for level 1
and leave the things which aren't ready for a later version. I believe
it's still on track for a last call draft in early 2015.

> (And presumably you're also implementing
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6920 , but that looks more stable.)

For now, I'm only implementing the parts of that spec that we need for
SRI, but thanks for pointing it out, SRI uses the URI format defined in
that RFC.


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