On 11/30/2016 9:23 PM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
Even as httpd is operating under paralysis by analysis, we are long past a
year since the last releases.

Is there anything holding up the jumps to 1.6, or 2.0?

I'd personally like to see an API harmonising memcache to redis, but that
can't possibly be a showstopper to any incremental release.

If nobody else offers, I'll T&R 1.6 objects in 72 or so hours for a vote,
alongside the first 2.0 RC.

Feedback welcomed.

It doesn't look like the option for libxml2 has been backported, I'm beginning to think it isn't going to be.
As far as I can tell redis is in except for win legacy.

As for cmakelist.txt, I doubt this is going to work any longer, at least at those paths;


I'm close to having the legacy for both, I could commit apr/apu by end of week which I guess is within the 72 hours minus time difference.

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